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Question: Ok so I finished breaking dawn 2 days ago!.!.!.
OMG!! i loved it!!! Some people are annoying the crap out of me cuz they're like, "i hated it and it was a disappointment"!. well its NOT!. Did anyone else feel like they just didn't want to read Jacob's pont of view!? I kind of hated reading that he was soo mopy and crap but it was pretty important to the story!. I guess I kind of sympathized for him but still!.!.!.and I LOVED how it ended!. It just felt so complete!. Edward is SO great and supportive!. I just wish that more guys would read this book and take a few notes!. I thought it was hilarious when Edward bit the pillow and destroyed the headboard!. hilarious!. And Bella just sounds so much older after she gets pregnant!. Can anyone tell me how Renesmee is pronounced!? I keep on saying Reh-nez-may accenting on the may part!. Is that right because it's been bugging the crap out of me and also!.!.!.I kind of don't like the name!.!.!.What did you think!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved it too!. This was honestly the first end of a series that I was actually satisfied with its ending!. When I was skimming through the book in the beginning and saw Jacob's part of the story I honestly didn't want to read it but when I was reading it I was actually thinking wow this is really good!. Edward is awesome I agree but with the way that turned out (I thought it was hilarious) I now think Jacob's awesome too!. Not as awesome as Edward of course but you get the picture!. Renesmee is pronounced Ren (like the beginning of Renee) esmee (like esme)!. The only part that I was confused about was the part where Bella was looking at herself in the mirror, I thought that in the previous books it said that they had no reflection, I honestly don't care but I noticed that while reading!. I also didn't know how she broke off from Renee and the rest of her friends, I don't even think were mentioned in this!. I honestly don't care about her friends but it just makes me wonder what happened to them!.
but i LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH just like you I thought it was amazing amazing amazingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like it so far, but right when i got to jacobs part i was like oh, so jacob gets a few pages in this one too!? No, not a few pages !.!.200 pages!. Gosh, i forced myself to read just like i did when edward left in new moon!. But im passed those pages now :D!. How did you finish it in ONE day!? I've had it since half of yesterday and today and im only on page 460ish!? Haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i didnt like the baby's name personally but it is growing on me, i finished a few days ago!. i wass a little disappointed she didnt tell how the pillows were distroyed i was hoping for a little somethin, i did like the book and i like jake a little better now but not much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob's point of view was my favorite!. I loved his chapter openings and the way he talks!.!.!. it was the only reason I kept reading the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it a lot !. Ithough Jacobs pov was goping 2 be weird but it ended up funny!. especially when Bella found out he had imprinted on her babyWww@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it lacked some stuff!.!. like a plot and there was no conflict
i liked how edward and bella are together but they barely had any romance just sexWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with you i loved the book !!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I loved it just as much as you did!! I can't believe that other people didn't!. Stephenie Meyer is pure genius to write those books, so who are they to talk when they went to the midnight party because of how much they loved the other ones!?!?!? Jacob's point of view annoyed me sooo much because i used to be the BIGGEST anti-Jacob person!. He grew on me >!.< Edward will forever be my angel :D Haha i agree with more guys reading it!. Reneesme!.!.!. i can't really tell lol i mean, it's Edward!.!.!. ANYTHING is possible!. Plus Bella WAS human!. I think the name is kinda stupid and sounds funny but she's like the cutest little kid EVER!. The ending was the best, i about died of happiness!.!.!. then i cried cuz i realized that it WAS THE END!. :'( The movie is going to suckkkkkkk!.!.!.!. bleh!. Midnight Sun will come out!.!. and then what!? We reread them all lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah that's how you pronounce it!. I hated the name!.

The part from Jake's POV was the ONLY part I liked in the entire book!. I loved it!. And if you had a hard time reading it because he's mopey, how in the world did you ever get through New Moon!?! Bella takes the cake for mopey!

I hated the ending!. It was too happily ever after!. What about Bella's supposed sacrifice in becoming a vampire!? She didn't have to give anything up!. It was stupid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i didnt like it one bit!.! renesmee ( her DAUGHTER)!? ru serious!? i absolutely didnt like this book one bit, and wouldnt have read it if i knew what was coming!. to create a happy ending she twisted all the plotlines and ruined it!. i hated seeing edward and bella as paarents, especially edward as a dad!. and jacob imprinting on it was disgusting! the whole plotline was centered around an accident child whom shouldnt even exist! she changed her writing style especially after the transormation!.i used to be a twihard, but because of this book im not so sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com