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Position:Home>Books & Authors> So Edward is an incubus? What? Renesmee a cambion?

Question: So Edward is an incubus!? What!? Renesmee a cambion!?
Umm!.!.!.what!? That kind of confuses me!. He mentioned it then was like ehh whatev!.
So that would make Nessie a cambion, right!?
Someone help me please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm as confused as you are!. I'm not a fan of the books but I skimmed through Breaking Dawn!. There was only one mention (that I can remember) of Edward possibly being an incubus, and then it was just kind of!.!.!. forgotten!.!.!.!? I agree that Renesmee sounds like a cambion, though!.

Hopefully someone (Stephenie Meyer - Are you out there!? We're waiting for an explanation here!.!.!.) will clear this up, because I'm curious as to how it's all supposed to work out, considering that Smeyer has mentioned many times that her vampires cannot reproduce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As far as I was aware, incubuses have to work with succubuses to actually impregnate a human!. As far as I was aware, the incubus gets their sperm by sucking the life out of their victim!.

So how in the world is Edward an incubus!?!!?!!?!!?!

Makes no sense to me!.

As for the cambion thing!. I don't know what the heck Nessie is supposed to be!. I wouldn't be surprised if Smeyer announced that Nessie is a magical unicorn in human form!. At this point, nothing would shock me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate Stephanie Meyer, but that's beside the point!.
I saw one of the characters was a 'vegetarian vampire'!?
Far be it from me, if you don't feed on blood, you're technically not a vampire!.!.

It's a good thing you put those definitions up, because I highly doubt most rabid fangirls on here know what an incubus or a cambion is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Considering Meyer never mentioned this in any of the other books, the incubus thing is a total deus ex machina!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It really doesnt make much sense!.!.!.ugh!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward is a vegiatrian vampire and renesmee is half-vamp, half-human!.
simple as that:)Www@QuestionHome@Com