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Question: Looking For A Vampire Book!.!.!.
I'm looking for a book about/including Vampires, Dhampirs, Vampyrs, et cetera, with a main character that is NOT wanted by all members of the opposite sex!.
I do not want suggestions of Vampire Diaries, Vampire Academy or Twilight - I've read all these!. (They're all good examples of the type of characters I don't want to read about!. I'm not saying they're bad, I'm just not in the mood for books with characters who are mentally undressed by other people all the time!. It gets boring after a while!.) I've read Dracula, and I plan on reading Ann Rice's novels soon, too!.
Any suggestions would be great ^_^ Sorry for the mini-rant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Why don't you try the Cirque du Freak books by Darren Shan!? They've got an interesting story!. And don't worry, there isn't much romance!.

also, The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause!. It's about a girl whose mother is dying who meets a vampire who is trying to kill his evil vampire brother!. It's got good writing that can send chills down my spine!. And only one person is romantically interested in the main character!.


Fat White Vampire blues by Andrew Fox

Great book, about some really different vampires!.!.

I also like the other suggestion of The Historian!.!. it doesn't read like a vampire novel!.!. and yet, it is!.!. very interesting story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The HistorianWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ann Rice novels are great- but very sexualWww@QuestionHome@Com

try this site ^Www@QuestionHome@Com

get like tha eclipes book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you been to a library or bookstore lolWww@QuestionHome@Com