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Question: Nessie Cullen = Loch Ness Monster!?!!?!
Do you think that Nessie [Bella and Edward's half human and half vampire child] could have been nicknamed "Nessie" because of the Loch Ness Monster!?

http://www!.tqnyc!.org/NYC051343/Danny C/index!.htm

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
just cause her name was "reneesme" which sounds kinda like "Nessie", and that just happens to be the nickname of the lochness monster

EDIT: yes, that i agree with!. i mean, i wouldnt even have thought the name "Reneesme" had anything to do with a lochness monster!. so, mrs!.meyer must have thought about naming her something along the lines of a sea monster on purpose


I think since Bella was half crazy while being pregnant she wasn't exactly thinking straight when naming Reneesme!. So I don't think they called her Nessie because of her being half vampire half human!. Just a nickname!. Nees is kinda in the name anyway so!.!.!.!.her name is Nessie!. I think it's cute either way!. I like that her middle name is Carlie Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats why Bella goes for Jacob isn't it!?
She does, but ends up breaking Seths shoulder cause Edward gets in the way!.!.!.I think, ive just started re-reading it!.

She was annoyed that he nicknamed her Daughter after the Loch Ness Monster!.

Answer mine please!? It's Breaking Dawn related!.

Who cares!? I think Renesmee isn't a pretty name anyway, and I always hate it when people mix two realatives names together!. Anyway, what other nickname is there!? Rene!? No!. Smee!? I dont think so!.

She's a cutie in the book though!

I love her as Nessie!. And Bella was so stupid in the book! Agghh it made me mad! And what!? She does not go for Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!.!.!. I'd actually never heard of the loch ness monster so I was like huh!?

EDIT: hmm after looking at the wikipedia article I actually have heard of it before I just didn't realize that's what it was called!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope, I think it was just a nickname!.
and bella accused jake of nicknaming it after the lockness monster, but it was more so a joke!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the nickname may have inspired that or she was just looking for a nickname that goes with renesmee (renee & esme)!. its kinda hard to find one!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe, Me and Bella were both ticked when they called her Nessi!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com