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Question: Calling anyone and everyone with a copy of Wicked!! 10 points to the first person who helps me with my problem
Okay, I have to do a project involving Wicked!. I have read the book many times, but I have to work the upcoming week, so I won't be at my home at all, and the project is due the day after the fair closes!. I would appreciate quotes from Galinda/Glinda!. I don't care what part of the book they are from, the only restriction I have is that I would like them to show how shallow and stupid she is!. I already have "You're FUN to look at!." I would also like some quotes from Elphaba, that show how smart she is!. Thank you so much for everyone that helps!.

P!.S!. about the 10 points!.!.!. if you just post something that says "hello" or something unrelated you will not get the points!. In addition to that, if you fail to state who did not say the quote, I am afraid that I cannot give you the points!.

Thanks again!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The novel correct!? here you go:

"Pain!? Eliminate pain!? Look at the thing, it's terrified! It already gets pain! Don't do that, what are you, crazy!?" -Elphaba, page 146!.

"I don't believe in assassination, I don't even know what it means!." -Glinda, page 175

"If not 'immoral', then what word can I use to imply wrong!?" -Elphaba, page 175

"I remembered you as full of delicacy and grace," she said!. "Did you catch something by accident, or did you study awkwardness!?"
-Elphaba, page 184

"Why was I cursed to be different!?" -Elphaba, page 339

"When in the provinces," she said, "you have to show them a little style!. I don't think it's so bad!. Or are the satin bells at the shoulder a bit too, too!?" "Excessive," agreed the Witch!. -page 340/341

"Sometimes I think vengeance is habit forming too!. " -Elphaba, page 343

"I want those shoes!." Elphaba, page 348!.

"People always did like to talk, didn't they!? That's why I call myself a witch now: the Wicked Witch of the West, if you want the full glory of it!. As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefit of it!? It liberates you from convention!." Elphaba, page 357

"Oh, Elphie!" The Witch did not turn!. They never saw each other again!. page 355Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've watched the play before, the one thing i will never forget, is when both of them first met, and they were writing letters to their parents back home, and when they describe each other, here's how it went!.

Dearest darlingest Momsie and Popsical!.!.!.

My Dear Father!.!.!.

There's been some confusion
Of the rooming her at Shiz

But of course I'll care for Nessa

But of course I'll rise above it

For I know that's how you'd
Want me to respond - yes!
There's been some confusion
For you see my room-mate is -

Unusually and exceedingle peculiar
And altogether quite impossible to describe


This is the intro of the song "What is this feeling!?'

here's some quotes :


Hope This Helped
= )