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Question: Twilight: Embry's Imprinting!?
i think i got confused!.!. i kept trying to look for it in New Moon but i can't find it!. i was reading Breaking Dawn!.!. and there were four imprints!. i remember Sam's, Quil's!.!. and now Paul's!. but i was confused!.!. did Embry imprint yet!? and who's Jared i don't remember him!.!. did Jared imprint on Kim!. then who did Embry imprint on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
during the the gathering at the beach, when Billy was telling the legend of the werewolves!. Jared is another werewolf, he was the second one to phase, and has a high rank in the pack!. Third place, i think!. him and Paul are best friends since in the beginning the pack was just three!. remember!? Quil and Jacob were scared because Embry joined Sam's "cult"!? Jared and Kim were there together!.!. Embry also complained with Jacob at Emily's house of everyone's imprinting!. Embry hasn't imprinted yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

jared is another wolf

and embry didnt imprint and jared imprinted on kim yes Www@QuestionHome@Com