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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I was writing a story but i just dunno what to write ?

Question: I was writing a story but i just dunno what to write anymore!.!.!.!.help !?
and i post this story on internet so my readers are waiting what should i tell them !? should i end the story !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Be honest!. Tell your readers that you're re-formulating the story!. Then start on something else for a while!. No one can force you to do anything, so please don't panic!. You end the story when the plot's been resolved and there's nothing left to tell!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

just wait, it'll come to you :) try this, it's kinda fun and it gets you to think- it helps me with writers block
think of a random word, write it down!.
then, within 3 seconds of writing it down, have another random word- that is completely unrelated to the word before it, written down,
and so on!.
its a creative writing exercise that i learned in high school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just take a break and live a little!. All you need is some inspiration, so go out and have fun! Your story won't be any good if you force it, and at the end of the day it is more important that you are proud of your story than it is finished quickly!. You can always come back to it later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try not to think about it at all for a while, just to clear and refreshen your head!.
Turn to your characters for support!. What would they do now!? Tie their story up, or is there more to come!? How would their personalities and situations effect things!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make something up!.!. Write about a dream you've had before that was interesting!? Write about what the world will be in 100 years!? Write about your past!? Write about things backwards!? I don't know!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com