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Question: Quotes from The Host by Stephenie Meyer!?
I love The Host!. I thought it was so good! I also really love the Twilight saga!. I am currently in the middle of Breaking Dawn!. I would really like some quotes from The Host though!.

Page number and speaker, please!!!

Thank you so much!!! :D :D :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some of these aren't actual quotes said by characters, but I liked how it was described:

"I looked at him curiously!. The light from the mirrors threw double shadows through the cornstalks that crisscrossed over him [Ian] like zebra stripes!. Under the lines and the dirt, his pale face was weary!."

"he ducked in and touched his lips to my forehead!.
no one was more surprised than I, though I heard Jared gasp quietly!. My mouth hung open as Ian wheeled and nearly sprinted from the room!.
I heard Doc pull a breath in through his teeth, like a backward whistle!. "Well," he said!. "

That made me laugh XD!!

"Anger is so!.!.!.ugly!." (Wanderer)

"There was no hatred in your heart," I whispered!. "That you existed is proof that we were wrong!. We had no right to take your wold from you, Walter!. I hope your fairytales are true!. I hope you find your Gladdie!." (Wanderer)

"Cheetoes!" I cried!. "Really!? For me!?"

"Here", he said, and reached around to slide his fingers under my face!. HE pulled my head up from the ground and then moved his arm under it, making a pillow for me!. He let his other arm drape over my waist!. (I squealed so badly here)

And then, flat and hard from right behind us, Ian's face broke the quiet like the crack of a whip!.

"No, Ian, no," I begged!. This was so much worse than his anger!.
"Don't, please!. Please, don't!."
"Wanda," he moaned!.
"She's trapped in here, Ian!. It's like a prison-- worse than that; I can't even describe it!. She's like a ghost!. And I can free her!. I can give her herself back!."
"I love you," I whispered!.
"Don't say that like you're saying goodbye!."
But I had to!. "I, the soul called Wanderer, love you, human Ian!. And that will never change, no matter what I might become!."

Like naming a pit bull Fluffy - Wanda

"You are the noblest, purest creature I've ever met!. The Universe will be a darker place without you," he whispered!.
These were his words over my grave, my epitaph, and I was glad that I got to hear them!."-Doc

"That girl in there!.!.!." Jared said slowly!.
"That body doesn't belong to her!."
"Your point!?"
Jared's voice was hard when he answered!. "Keep your hands off of it!."
A low chuckle from Ian!. "Jealous, Howe!?"

"jared is my past, you are my present"
"i could be you future too"
"i would like that"
Ian & Wanda

Page 390!.

"it's not the face, but the expressions on it!. It's not the voice, but what you say!. It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it!. YOU are beautiful!."
--Ian O'Shea

And if i could quote page 593-594 I would XD That whole scene between Doc and WandaWww@QuestionHome@Com

“Does it sound crazy to say that I’d rather die!? Too melodramatic!?” Melanie to Jared (Page 76)

“Anyway, as long as you don’t put us in danger, it seems…cruel to kill you!. What’s one more misfit in this place!?” Ian to Wanda (Page 243)

"Fine," Jared snapped!. "But if you try cuddling up to me tonight!.!.!.so help me, O'Shea!. Ian chuckled, “Not to sound overly arrogant, but to be perfectly honest, Jared, were I so inclined, I think I could do better!.” (Page 483)

“You are the noblest, purest creature I’ve ever met!. The universe will be a darker place without you!.” Doc to Wanda (Page 594)

I have even more passages that are internal monologues/dialogues from this novel that I love if you're interested in those too!. :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ian: You!. Are!. Not!. Leaving!. Me!.
page 570!. It broke my heart to read that quote!.

Wanda: I, the soul called Wanderer, love you, human Ian!. And that will never change, no matter what I might become!.
Page 573

Jamie: Ian didn't come!. He just sat here with you - he said he didn't care what you looked like!. He wouldn't let anyone else put a finger on your tank at all, not even me or Mel!. But Doc let me watch this time!. It was way cool, Wanda!. I don't know why you wouldn't let me watch before!. They wouldn't let me help, though!. Ian wouldn't let anyone touch you but him!.
Ian: I held you in my hand, Wanderer!. And you were so beautiful!.
page 603!.

Those quotes are my favourite!. Ian is a sweetie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Page 605!.
Ian: "I held you in my hand, Wanderer!. And you were so beautiful!."

Page 347!.
Kyle: "Aw, hell! It didn't fall!."

Page 619!.
Wanda: It's a strange world!."
Burns: "The strangest!."

Page 585!.
Kyle: "I'm sorry!."
Wanda: "Um!.!.!.why!?"
Kyle: "For trying to kill you!. Guess I was wrong!."

Page 574!.
Ian: "But I love you!. Doesn't that matter!?"

Page 572!.
Ian: "You!. Are!. Not!. Leaving!. Me!."

Page 301!.
Jared: "I love you!. Even if you're not there, if you can't hear me!. I love you!."

The first and last ones are my favorite!. I love how much Jared and Ian care about Mel and Wanda!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i havent read itWww@QuestionHome@Com