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Question: Lord of the Rings TTT and RotK books timeline!?!?!?
I want to read LotR following the timeline of the events!. The first book was easy (of course) but now that the story spilts into the different journeys (Frodo Sam; Merry Pippen; Aragorn Legolas Gimli) I'm having a difficult time figuring out which chapters go where!. Espically because the journeys of Frodo and Sam are in a different 'book' altogether!.

If you could help put the book chapters into a chronological timeline according to the story it would be greatly appriciated!.!. Thanks BriWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
in the back of the books, probably the third for you (i have a single volume edition) there should be appendices!. go to appendice B, the Great Years 3018!. It's basically all of the Lord of the Rings in chronological order!. pretty awesome, huh!?

Take a peek at the first and second ages if you want to!. interesting stuff


a helpful website http://www!.sparknotes!.com/
has deep information

try this site: http://www!.arwen-undomiel!.com/books!.html
it has the history of the characters, if there is nothing else to help u out