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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Harry Potter fans: Have you heard of the band 'Ministry Of Magic'?

Question: Harry Potter fans: Have you heard of the band 'Ministry Of Magic'!?
I hadn't until today!. They're a band which plays songs about Harry Potter and stuff in the series!. Surprisingly, I think they're quite good!

I love this song 'Accio Love'


It's so funny!. What do you think of it!?

And this song 'Snape Vs Snape'


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! I've seen and heard of the Ministry of Magic before, but I've never heard any of their songs! I'm a big Ron/Hermione? supporter, and I love the HP books in general, so I love 'Accio Love'!. Amazing! And 'Snape vs!. Snape' is awesome! Thanks for bringing this band to my attention--you get a star!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey, I was just wondering but are you a guy or girl!?


And YES! I've heard of all the HP bands!

-Ginny and the Heartbreakers
-The Weird Sisters
-The Remus Lupins
-Ministry of Magic
-Loony and the Lovegoods
-Draco and the Malfoys
-142 Staircases
-Accio Love!
-Bella and the Le Stranges (personally the best name ever, haha)

Most of the songs are sooo funny, I love Snape vs Snape ;)

Hahaha yeah I have!. There's plently of them!. If you head down to myspace they're all generally linked up and you can get to one from another and so forth!.!.!. Lots of great songs for you to listen to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't heard of them!.!.!.
but, Harry and the Potters are probably along the same lines, they're pretty funny too!. In one song they talk about saving Ginny from the BasiliskWww@QuestionHome@Com

ministry of magic is the best wizard rock band :D also check out "the hero" by them, it's my favoriteWww@QuestionHome@Com