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Question: Help with my novel its not working out:(
okay so my storys main characters are a 15 year old girl named Camille and her 3 guy best friends!. The four of them going to a party and Camille gets raped and then one of her friends defends her and beats up the guy

more stuff happens and then a couple chapters later Camille and one of her best friends start to fall in love

i was on chapter 9 and then i stopped!. it seemed to be coming out to lovey and fruity for a girl who just got raped, dont you think!?

Is there anything i can do to fix this or is this story dead in the water!?!?!?

please help!. thanks everyone:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think if you flesh out the part between the rape and the falling in love, you'll be ok!. You'll need to explore Camille's psyche and walk the readers through her total devastation, healing, trying to learn to love someone, and finally being able to open herself up to a new love without the past destroying her!. I think it could be very good!. Just spend some time with the hard stuff!.!.!.the dark emotion that would surely happen with a rape!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you're fine!. It is to early I think, though, for the girl who was raped to have sex!. I'm no expert here, but perhaps the girl tells this man she's falling in love with that she wants more time!. Meanwhile, perhaps another girl tries to steal this man away!. This would give conflict!. Another idea may be that this man she loves is targeted by the rapist, and he and a group of his friends get back at him by beating him up!. I don't know!. All this is spur of the moment, but certainly you should keep writing!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah!.!.!. I think she should be a bit more overreacted now and doesn't eat or is like under deppression or something!. Then thats when she does fall in love and her boy friend helps her feel better!. I think the rapest should be the guy's best buddy and Camille is shocked!. Hope this helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should resume writing your book!. You can fix it!. You just need your inspiration!. The more you write, the better your stories are!. Just practice and practice!. Don't ever give up!. Trust me, it will work out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think if you really want to make it work, you should have one guy who, after she gets raped, helps her feel better again!. She should fall in love with him and he should take advantage of her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pregnancy or STDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its ok! Its your style dont stop !DWww@QuestionHome@Com

do a little action or somthing keep it going like that but put more action in it keep it a love story what is the title!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is the major character arc!? In a novel a character starts out a certain way, and the events in the story change her!. After being raped a girl would most certainly develop issues of some kind!. Trust issues, physical issues!. How does she react if he touches her or, tries to kiss her!?
Would she break down, and become highly emotional, or would she build up walls to protect herself, push people away!.
Try doing some free writing exersizes exploring the main character!. Try to figure out how the rape would change her and how falling in love with this boy would change her!. Maybe she begins the story as a naive little girl, after the rape she becomes jaded and hurts the people around her, but the love of this guy and his actions brings her out of her shell and by the end of the book she becomes a more independent confident person!.
Another significant issue is how the rape is dealt with!? Do they tell anyone!? Is he charged!? Is he convicted!? All would have a very different effect on how the girls personality would change through out the story!. Www@QuestionHome@Com