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Question: Suggest me a best book for presenting a innteluctual & oracious reader
i want to present a book for wedding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since it's for a wedding, perhaps a book of poetry that the couple could share would be appropriate!. Even if you bought something the person already had, a nice hardcover edition might be welcome!.

Kahlil Gibran is a possibility, or Elizabeth Barrett Browning!.

Alternately, a classic travel book might be good, especially if it ties in with where the couple will be honeymooning or a place they've wanted to visit!.

Isak Dineson's Out of Africa, for instance, or something by Richard Halliburton!.
This website lists some good choices by location:

Well, you need to offer us more details!.

For example, in what *type* of books is this person interested!?

Would he/she be interested in a bible!?

Give us some direction, then perhaps we can make recommendations!. Without any info, the best thing I can offer is this site: make certain to pick a relatively recent work, as a "voracious reader" will likely have read anything more than 5 years old!.


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