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Question: Am I the only person who liked Breaking Dawn!?
I loved it, it was everything I wanted it to be, am I the only one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nope, I liked the book a lot!. I thought everything that happened would happen!.

I knew the Jacob imprinting on Bella & Edward's daughter was going to happen!. It was just perfect!.

And I always bet on Alice!.

I thought the kill free fight at the end was very interesting too!.

Great story!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really liked breaking dawn, but at the beginning bella was different from at the end!. i don't mean that she was now a vampire (duh) but she acted differently!. i loved it anyway though and i just wish the series wasn't over!. it made me cry a lot reading all of them and all that!. i want to know how bella adapts to school and what happens when nessie is older and if jacob marries her!. i want to know if charlie finds out the whole truth!. i want what i can't have basically because the "saga" is now over!.!. so sad!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoyed it too! Don't worry!


I loved that Jake imprinted on Nessie!
I loved how she put some of it in Jake's opinion!
I wish the ending would have been a lil more climatic, like an actual fight, but, its not my book, so, I won't complain!. lol

It was fine to me!


the book was the best ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone who says its not are the ones with the problem! i think u should form ur own idea!. i liked it!.!.
no i
(i skipped eating to finsh it!)
hope this helps!
i stick my tongue out at the people who hate it if there were any emoticons!

I won't 'burn it' by any means, but I wasn't enthralled with it!. It was far too anti-climactic for me!. I think that there should not have been a child, and the volturi and the cullen's should have warred for supremecy!. Just my opinion!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate it!. The characters are not the same from the previous books (at least not to me)Www@QuestionHome@Com

my sister loves that book, she read it 4 times already, and she just got it saturday! dont worry, ur normal :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Havent read it yet ]:Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, i truly didnt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What the!.!.!. who doesn't like it, it's the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com