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Question: Does new moon get less depressing!? :'[
okay im on chapter 8, and i already know edward comes back in the end (damn spoilers!.!.i couldnt resist)!. but in twilight it was so romantic with bella and edward and happy and AHHHH i loved it!. and now its all jacob, and i HATE HIM WITH A PASSION!. so i guess what im asking is, toward the end of the book or in eclipse, does it go back to "normal" between bella and edward!? like lovey dovey again!? help meeeee its so sad :'[Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
haha yeah dont worry the ending is perfect!. its hard to read now but PLEASE dont stop reading because you will regret it!. it gets wayyy better

Don't listen to Cryssie! Many Twilight fans enjoyed Breaking Dawn just as much as the first three, although many were disappointed as well!. It's better to read it too, to form your own opinion, than to never know if you would've liked it!. But anyway, of course New Moon goes back to normal, I think it's a kind of depressing book, until the end, then it's happy again! w00t! ^-^Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, it does go back to lovey dovey!.

why you hate jake I dont understand!. he is being a friend to bella in new moon, and tring to make her better!.
yes, he is moving in on 'edwards girl', but for all he knew edward left her for dead!. so he is trying to put bella back together and see there is life after love basically!.

New Moon gets much better and intense!. I would suggest reading all 4 books!. I know there are a lot of people out there who do not like Breaking Dawn, but I personally understand the book and think it is a great book!. I would have to say that Stephanie did an excellent job!. She has a way to keep you on your toes!.!.!.

I am hoping they make a movie of all 4 books!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is so typical!.
whenever people first read new moon they hate the sh!t out of
the guy whos taking care of bella!. seriously the book gets better!.
and jacob is her bestfriend!. you will love him!.!.!. in time!.
just wait young grasshopper it gets back to normal!.

in a way it get more!. Because edward cant bear that he ever left her in the first place!. So there relationship gets lot stronger!. And Jacob isn't left out in the cold!. he and edward are a big part in Eclipse!. but dont worry in the end everyone gets a happy ending! I loved breaking dawn1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course it gets normal again!.

Cryssie N, grow up!. Stop telling people to not read Breaking Dawn, just because you didn't like it!. It doesn't mean everyone else is like you!. You're pathetic for telling someone it sucks just because you think so!. Are you unaware that everyone has their own opinion!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's very depressing!. four hundred pages of bella's depression!.
goes to show how pathetic she is without edward!.

it does have a happier ending!. and of course, we know who comes back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES IT DOES !!!!! it gets lovey dovey again too!!!! it gets 10 times better in eclipse and 1000 times better in breaking dawn!!! AND also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF U DARE TO B SOOO MEAN TO JACOB AGAIN U WILL HAVE ME TO ANSWER TO!!!! SO THERE!!!!!! sry!.!.!.i just get emotional when someone hates jakie!. i love him!!!!! and alos!.!.!.!.!.u know whaat!?!?!? go ahead!.!.!.hate him all uwant!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they get lovey dovey again!!!!!!!
Definitaly read Eclipse and Breaking Dawn!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, it gets less depressing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry its a happy endingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i cried at the beginning of this book but i promise it does have a pretty good ending! :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

yea it goes back!. not at the end technically but they get back together and jacob's left in the dust!. read ecllipse BUT DO NOT read BREAKING DAWN!. matter fact pretend like there is no breaking dawn and it's just a trilogy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com