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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What did you guys think of the ending of breaking dawn?

Question: What did you guys think of the ending of breaking dawn!?
I have heard a lot of people complain that more people should have died and that they think the ending is too happy!. this is how i think!. everyone is complaining about the lack of violence at the end and how much innuendo there is in the book!. so am i to surmise that you would rather have your children reading books where people get their heads torn off than about two people who love each other and get married before they have sex!? the book wasn't even that graphic in the romantic way!. and another thing to me the ending was very relevant to our current world!. a war breaks out!. what do they do they prepare for the worst and hope for the best!. they solve their problems without resorting to violence!. how is that a bad thing!? i think that she was trying to illustrate that if two opposing forces have issues with each other then they should talk like civilized people face to face!. not like animals on a warpath killing and slaughtering everything that gets in their way!. but that's my thought what did you guys think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you on this totally!. What is wrong with a happy ending!? I don't see anything wrong with being able to escape the fact that violence is not the answer!. Why not teach that war isn't the way to solve everything!? As for innuendo I hardly think that is a problem!. The talked about it in a non offensive way!. It encouraged sex after marriage and it showed that it was about love not lust!. What's so wrong with that!? Stephanie Meyer did exactly what she should have!. Theres nothing wrong with her ending!. It made a lot of sense!. Bella had every right to want to save her baby!. It's a part of her, it's the future, she deserves to live!. She did not want to hurt her on purpose, the baby was just in too small a confined place!. The ending was beautiful and everything I expected!. I agree with you wholeheartedly and completely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All in all, the book was different but not bad!. I liked it, personally!. I chose to accept Breaking Dawn in it's entirety because Stephanie Meyer wrote it!. I mean, it's her creation!. If she says it happened or it's capable of happening, then it happened!. Get over it!

The ending satisfied me!. I don't feel "incomplete" without the expected violence or whatever!. It was worth reading!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your take on it is very interesting!. I like the ending and I think she did a marvelous job wrapping up loose ends!. In the end, everyone has their true love!. Maybe not completely realistic, but this is FICTION! What's wrong with a happy ending!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was really surprised, Stephenie Meyer pulled a fast one and we all fell for it!. but it was a good book overall, a good seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

AHAHAHAHAH "La Tua Cantante's answer was halariius! i didnt read the book, but thanks to her i want to LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the ending so much, but I wanted to see a fight!. However I liked it so much!. And you get a point there!. I was so happy that my wish came true( bella became a vampire) and she also had the cutest baby with edward(that was unexpected)!. I haven't got anything to complain for :D
I never saw better ending than this one :D

And if you see this saga was about Bella and Edward romance not about fights and all of that, so why can't you be happy the way it is!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

I definitely agree with la tua cantante!. the book had a very weird, off-feeling!. the book did not feel right!. when i found out she was pregnant that made me really uneasy!. and honestly!. it was REALLY creepy that she was pregnant with a vampire baby!. another point i agree with is, there was no heart pounding romance! i expected to have my heart racing the whole time!. i expected to feel bella and edwards love for each other like in the first book!. but i didnt!. after she became a vampire i expected their physical relationship to be more detailed and intense!. but their love scenes were not love scenes at all!. the romance was DEFINITELY lacking!. someone else made a point about breaking the book up!. i really think that Stephenie Meyer should have split it up or spent more time developing the plot because the plot was tired and kind of boring!. one of the main reasons i actually kept reading was to get to the ending!. to see who would die and would live!. if there was going to be SOME sort of happy ending!. i feel like these reasons are horrible motivations to finish a book!. if a book is good you would want to take in every word, every detail, and enjoy every moment in the book!. breaking dawn DID NOT do that for me!. i was very disappointed!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off, i liked the ending!. but!.!.!.Ugh! Breaking Dawn was TERRIBLE! I was soooo looking forward to a feeling of a right closure, but everything that Stephenie Meyer wrote was just so!.!.!.!. wrong, so off-feeling! These are some of my reasons:

1!. There was no romance, no heart-pounding suspense when Bella got close to Edward!. Nothing that made it feel real, except the sex on Isle Esme!.

2!. The morning after they had sex, Edward gives himself a mental-beating for bruising Bella which made it awkward for the readers!.

3!. Bella get's pregnant!? By vampire venom, not sperm!? Please!.

4!. She wants to keep the damn thing!. What the hell!? It's KILLING her, and she's so blinded by the "love" of her parasitic baby that she ALLOWS it to break her pelvis, spine, ribs, ect!.

5!. While I did enjoy the Jacob point of view, the whole "Jacob leaves the pack with Seth and Leah and we don't hear from Sam or his pack for the rest of the book" really got on my nerves, especially after all they've been through in New Moon and Eclipse!.

6!. Bella if f***ing dying on the floor, vomitting blood that she's been gulping down like water for the past weeks, the parasite is breaking her bones, damaging her intournal organs, and she's yelling at Jacob, Edward, and Rosalie to save the monster and "NOT LET HIM DROWN!" !?!?!? Come on, get real!. Oh and did I mention the fact that Edward communicates with the freaky talking fetus, and wants to please it!? What the hell, Steph!?

7!. Edward just calmly tries to deliver the baby when Rose wants to eat Bella, then five minutes later when Bella is practically dead, Rosalie is coddling the baby, nidging noses with it, and pretending like Bella isn't dead on the floor!? I WANTED Jacob to attack the both of them, not IMPRINT on the damn thing!!!

8!. No one is in-character!. Emmett and Edward openly discuss their sex-lives, and Jacob phases in front of Charlie!? I think Meyer has lost it!. Officially!.!.!.

9!. The rest of the book was somewhat decent, but I felt no rightness, no closure!. Stephenie Meyer really dropped a doozy on this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just think that S!.Meyer should have heeded her own writing!. Didnt Rosalie say that not everyone got their happily ever after!? I think that at least someone IMPORTANT should have died!. Bella ended up being quite selfish in the end!. I mean, she got to keep her perfect husband, perfect daughter, perfect family, perfect best friend and the only person to have a grudge against said perfect best friend was killed!. No more problems!. No more worries!. Immortality for not only her but everyone she loved!. There was too much going on in the books!. First, they get married!. Have a honeymoon!. Finally 'connect' and conceive a child!. Then when said spawn grows it hurts its own MOTHER!. Then Bella gets turned into a vampire!. I think thats one of the reasons the book didnt appeal was that it was too FAST!. I would have liked to see Bella go through a LONGER pregnancy so that the readers could at least recover from the shock of having a baby vampire about to be born!. I know that the baby had been born and I was still recovering from the shock!. If she had been going through a longer pregnancy, then S!.Meyer could have stopped the book when Bella woke up as a Vampire!. I think I would have liked the book more when they concentrated more on Renesmee than anything else!.

There was too much to focus on at once and too many characters to meet!. And DONT even get me started on Jacob imprinting on the baby!. I STILL dont approve of the whole toddlers-being-soul-mates-thing!.

She should have cut this book into two and we readers would have enjoyed it more!. I think I personally would have!. Then it wouldnt seem like some fast-paced-everything-works-out-in-this-!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com