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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If you've read The Gunslinger by Stephen King, can you help me?

Question: If you've read The Gunslinger by Stephen King, can you help me!?
Could you explain a few things to me!? without giving the plot away, please!. I'm only on chapter 3!.

1) What's a Manni!?
2) Brown mentioned In-World!. What's that!?
3) I don't get it!. Is this world like ours or different!?

If you could just answer one or all of my questions, I'd be grateful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The world is like ours but different, sort of parallel!. I think things become clearer as the story goes on!. Its a great series - keep going! I am sure you will get it in the end!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In-world and later on, Mid-world, seem to be a different dimension than this world!. As you read the series, it becomes more obvious!. I don't remember Manni!.

I can't tell you anything else because it will be spoilers!.

I hope you enjoy the set!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Manni are like shamans - very spiritual healers - highly revered!.
You'll learn more as the story goes on!.
Keep reading - the next one is one of my favs of the series!Www@QuestionHome@Com