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Question: Parents and Stephanie Meyer's book Eclipse
Before letting my twelve year old daughter start reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, I read reviews and read the book for myself!. I felt that the book was "pg13" so to say, and probably not any worse than some of the teen shows she watches on televesion!. The first two books, Twilight and New Moon, were very suttle and clean, and I didnt have any problem with letting her read them!. They were really no worse than Romeo and Juliet would be for a young girl to read!. However, I just read the third edition to the series, which my daughter as been fiening to read, and I am considerably worried!. The third novel address the issue of sex quite a few times!. In one scene the girl throws herself and the boy pleading for him to have sex with her!. Now given that everything is done realitively tasteful and a "pg13" way and I completley understand the auther trying to address teen issues, which who can kid their self, sex is one of them, but I feel like the book crossed the line just a little bit!. After being compared to Harry Potter, and the first two books being so suttle with a pop kiss or holding hands, I just feel like I was not prepared for this book to so causualy address sex suddenly!. I am a little irrated and undecided about letting her read the book!. I was hoping to find other parents that have read the series and/or have had similar problem with the book, before I make a decion!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First, good for you for actually reading the books yourself!.

Second, I feel for you!. And thank heaven that my 11yo daughter has no interest in them!. However, since yours does, this is probably a good time for y'all to have another discussion about sexuality and how to make good decisions about sex!. I say another because you sound like the kind of mom who's had "the talk" at least once already!. This is where you get to say, "This is inappropriate behaviour because!.!.!." and go from there!.

As they say, some people are merely here on earth to be a horrible warning to everyone else!. You get to use this book as a warning and a lesson about fiction and real life discretion!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 12, and I have read it!.

I have read Breaking Dawn too, and that's worse!.

I think you should let her read it!. Eventually she's going to come across a book adressing that topic!. And, in my last semester/term in
Health we learned about that!.!.

It's up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the third book and I don't think there is anything wrong with it!. If youre concerned for your daughter then dont let her read it but it is an amazing book and there is noting intense or that sexual in there!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think more than the sex itself, what would concern me is the nature of the relationship between Bella and Edward, and how young girls seem to see this controlling, obsessive, and near-abusive character as the "ideal" man, and how Bella really degrades herself throughout the books for him!. She gives up her self-esteem, and her identity!. The whole series is her feeling worthless without him!. I think she's the weakest female character I've ever read, and sets a horrible example for young girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first couple are okay, but the last two are very!.!.!.well!.!.!.erm!.!.!.
I wouldn't let her read them at all!. What Stephenie Meyer did was glorify the image of an abusive, controlling stalker, and having a kid at 18!. It's so wrong!.

Young girls are especially susceptible to this nonsense, and there are many cases where reading vampire books has convinced a girl that they are real!. They may become obsessed and real-life stalkers are in tune to that!.

So sex isn't the only bad thing!. I'd say twilight is okay, but New Moon stresses about a girl being alone without her boyfriend, and that's NOT the right thing to feed to a twelve-year-old!. Girls need to be independent!.


Yes, it does address sex, but it's not in a crude way!. I think that if anything it could teach your daughter!. Edward and Bella from the book end up waiting until they are married anyways!. I think that the third book is fine, but the fourth one does have a lot more in it!. If you don't feel like she is mature enough to read about it, then don't let her!.
But the topic will come up sooner or later, so I don't see why there is a reason to put it off any longer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, ignore the whole 'next Harry Potter' thing!. The only reason they're compared is because Twilight's the first YA book since Deathly Hallows to sell a considerable amound of copies (for what reason, I've no idea)

Second, you have to consider how mature your daughter is!. I'm thirteen 'going on 40' (as my parents so callously put it) and even I was a little uncomfortable reading Eclipse!. I felt like it was a private matter and that I was eavesdropping on a conversation that was none of my buisness!. Your daughter might feel differently, but that was my initial reaction!.

Third, Breaking Dawn is a million times worse!. I haven't read it yet (nor was I going to before I heard the negative hype surrounding it) but I've seen enough reviews to piece together the gist of what happens: Bella (eighteen) and Edward get married, have sex on their honeymoon, and Bella get's pregnant!. To me, this feels as though Meyer is trying to justify teenage pregnancy, and act as though it's a walk in the park as long as you have your gorgeous husband there to take care of you!.

As you can see, I'm not the biggest fan of the series, but these are just my opinions!. Hope this helps!

Their 18!. Stephenie Meyer didn't go into detial about what they did just said they did it!. HAving that happen was the whole reason the book went that way!. Your daugher lives in a world were sex is always being talked about on television and in the real world!. So i would suggest that you let your daughter read the book and stop babying her and if you are so worried talk to your daughter about TRUST and if your so worried talk to your duaghter about sex!. Breaking Dawn is a very good book that you should trust your daughter to read!. As you said earlier your daughter really wants to reead the book!. :Let your daughter read the book before she lies to you and reas it behind your back!. Trust your daughter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com