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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Have you written something really original but

Question: Have you written something really original but
not had the will power or sense to finish it!.!.!.!.don't blame time in your answer or I'll eat you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, but I`m afraid it's not good enough!.!.!.Like it needs something more!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I do like writing, and I write a lot!. Sure, I've written some original stuff, but I usually don't finish it because :

A)It's not that good!.
B)I get writer's block!.
C)I just don't!. For no good reason actually!.

Sometimes I get an idea I can't get out of my head, but then when I try to write about it, I can't deliver it how I want to, or I can't carry it out with a good storyline, or it just doesn't come out right or whatever!.

I love to write!. But when I'm writing for myself, usually I don't finish it, because I don't feel I have an obligation to do so!.

And, (don't eat me) sometimes there isn't enough time! In the world today, everyone is so busy!. It's hard to find time to do things like writing!. There's so many otehr, more important things you have to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it takes a lot of discipline to finish a novel!. It's something that you have to work on to accomplish, especially in this day and age with distractions coming from phones, TV, the internet, etc!. Even the washing up looks tempting when I'm supposed to be sitting down and working on a chapter!.

Sometimes a little encouragement is what is needed to continue on - perhaps pass a few passages to friends for their feedback!? Else try to reward yourself for every 30 mins you work on the novel, why not allow yourself a 20 minute computer-game break, or a cup of tea or something!?

The best thing I found to crack it was to do NaNoWriMo last year - it's great as you put aside your 'inner editor' and just write, no matter what it is!. You have to write at least 1,667 words a day, else you only have twice as many to do the day after!. And their website is really cool, and you can upload your word count to keep tracks, and discuss it all in the forum!. Highly recommended to anyone who has problems churning it out! http://www!.nanowrimo!.org/

Good luck with the writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes xD Mostly due to the exact opposite of time, actually - I had plenty, but I procrastinated to the point that I lost the image of the characters, I had no idea what was going to happen, and I stopped!. One of the times, it had a really original idea, but the plot was boring and it had so many plot holes I stopped before it reached ten pages on Word!. Go figure, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I started a fairy tale years ago, but didn't finish it until recently!. Why!? Because when I began it, I didn't have the skill to write it the way I wanted to!. I had too much to learn!. So I set it aside until I finally felt as though I could tell the story the way it deserved to be told!. The style is drastically different than what I usually write, not to mention too short for my publisher's needs, so I put it up on my website as a free read!. I still think it's got some issues, but it's essentially what I wanted all those years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That can be the problem, can't it!? You start writing, but then doubts creep in!. Oh, I'm not good enough!. Not clever enough, etc!. This is what sorts out the men from the boys, or the girls from the women!. You simply have to stick at it!. There's no magic formula!. As a famous writer once said of writer's block!.
"Place seat of pants on seat of chair!" Just do it!!
Good luck, and please don't eat me!!!
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am SO stuck and I have no IDEA what to do!.!.!.

I have decided that each night I should write even if I only write like one line and even if it sucks just so that I will be forced into finishing!.

the only problem is that I haven't stood by that very well!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes, frequently!.
I have about 3 that i need to finish!.
Time is not to blame because its my attention span and my imagination that is keeping me from finishing them Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have two novels that I've been working on for two years now for that very reason!. All my efforts go into revising them instead of just ending the stupid things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have written plenty of original sayings on the bathroom walls when I was a teenager!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. yes yes yesWww@QuestionHome@Com