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Question: Did you like Breaking Dawn!?
Self explanatory!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. i thought the fact that it wasn't like the others was good!. it was more interesting!. the relationships were more complex and many relationships changed in an unexpected way!. jacob n edward, edward and nessi, rosalie and bella, jacob and nessi, jacob and bella(after imprinting jacob is no longer in love with bella)!. i think you get the idea!. there was a lot of unexpected events!. jacob becoming an alpha, bella getting pregnant, jacob imprinting nessi ect, ect!. (of course some of them would be more of a suprise if people didn't show spoilers in question titles!. i had to stay of yahoo answers until i red the book!. people should give warning about spoilers in their q titles) this book was different from the others!. it didn't focous nearly as much on the bella edward mutual obsession!. i think breaking dawn is the best of the twilight books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree!.!.!.!.i don't like the first book as much!. the second and third were reallllyyyyyyy good!. In the first book the only interesting thing was the wedding and honeymoon!. also i wasnt too excited bout her being pregnant!. I thought it was sick!. But nessie grew on me, her name definetely didnt!. also i liked the part how this time it didnt just revolve around edward and bella!. My favorite part was also her showing edward her thoughts!.!.!.!.the best part of the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really enjoyed it!. I definately saw NONE of it coming, thats for sure!. The only theory i got right was that Bella'd become a vamp and Jacob would imprint!. Lol!. And he suuureee did imprint!. It was alot more complex than the other ones, which i thought was good!. I really like that Edward and Jacob are friendly!. :) I think the only thing that bothered me was the whole pregnancy thing!. It was alittle disturbing!. I didnt really like the first book!. But I LOVED LOVED Jacob's book and the final Bella's book!. It was alot better in my opinion!. And when Bella showed Edward her thoughts!.!.!. oh my god!. I have never read anything more romantic!. Idk why!. I just thought that it was just!.!.!. inredible what she did!. But yeah!. Um!. I really really loved it!. I give the Bellas first book a 6!.!.!. Jacobs book a 100,000,000,000 and Bellas final book a 100,000,000,000,000,000!.7943698 :) lol

Im so sad its over :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

ofcourse i loved breaking dawn!.
my favorite parts were:
bella/edward on the island alone (u know what that means)
bella finding out she was pregnant
bellas daughter renesmee
jacob imprinting on bellas daughterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! It was really good and it was full of shockers :D
&& funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yah! its realy awsomely!.!.!.well words cant disribe how awsome it is!i finished somtime last night!Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOVED IT!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com
