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Question: Harry Potter for adults!?
I am a 24 year old woman and I just finished the Twilight series which I loved!. I am wondering if the Harry Potter books would be appropriate for me to read or if you think they are too juvenile for someone my age!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Harry Potter series is definitely along the same lines as Twilight, in the fact it's the same reading level and depth!. They're entertaining, but not as good as people claim they are!. They're probably not too juvenile for you if you don't think Twilight was!. And I think that the only difference between the Sorcerer's Stone and Philospher's Stone is the title- the Philosopher's stone is what it was called in Europe and the UK, I don't think there's any difference in the story, but I'm not absolutely sure!. I suggest you start to branch out a little bit!. People seem to think that Harry Potter and Twilight are it as far as good books are concerned, but they can't even compare to most of what I read!. Try a few other fantasy series that are a little more grown up!.

Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind- This series has everything from dragons to wizards, romance, adventure, quests, and it even made me laugh out loud once in a while!.

Wayfarer Redemption series by Sara Douglass- I just finished this one, and it was suprisingly good, I couldn't put them down!.

Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan- A fabulous series with magic, creatures, etc!.- with a slightly different spin; the last book in the series will be out in Feb!. of next year!.

There are a few series that are, in my opinion, infinitely better than either Twilight or Harry Potter, and you should definitely try them!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not at all!. Especially if people like Stephen King and John Irving like them!. The books actually deal with issues like class differences, racial differences, political issues and power struggles!. The main character may be young, but the issues that he is put through certainly aren't!. It is also interesting to follow him through seven years of life to see how he grows up normally, or tries to while still being picked to fight the greatest villain!. When asked if he felt his books were like Harry Potter for adults, Stephen King said, "No!. Harry Potter is Harry Potter for adults!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately not, I know so many adults that have taken the books of children to read themselves! Adult books can be difficult to read as the detail is more specific and there is a lot more to remember!. My Science teacher at my High School was talking to me about Harry Potter and how she loved it so much! (We're both HP/Twilight fans)!. With fiction like Harry Potter, they're easy to follow and you don't get lost with all the things that are being said!. With adult books you can find yourself flipping back a few pages as you brain was unable to process what was said every so often!. With books like Harry Potter people go back pages as they want to know more about the story and to see bits they've missed!.
I don't think its too Juvenile at all, if adults didn't like it, it wouldn't be on of the best selling books in history!.
If you haven't already read the Harry Potter books, its defiantley worth reading them!. It's like being in your own world and its a million times better than the movies and the movies missed quite a bit out!.
Hope you have some luck, but really go ahead and read at least the Philosphers Stone by JK, its brilliant (: I've read my Harry Potter books so many times, and I never get bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter was originally written for adults!. If You want to take the time to read them go ahead they are really good by the way!. I loved the twilight books too!. I have to read breaking dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!
The difference between the Sorccers and Philosefers is that the Sorccers is the European better version and Philosefers is te American not as good versionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Please read them!. The Harry Potter series are really good and way better than Twilight!. Just because they're directed at kids and young adults, it doesn't mean you can't read them!. Age is not an issue when it comes to the HP books!.

Enjoy! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone i know has read harry potter
even my mother, she finished reading all books before I did!.
try it, do not rely on other people's opinion if you do not try it yourself!.
i personally loved it!!


Reading opens your mind to other places and times and things and ways!.!. don't let the title of a book!.!. or the genre or what or who it is mostly geared towards scare you off from reading!.!.!. Harry Potter books really aren't juvenile at all!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should try Harry Potter!.They are really good!.I have read all of the all of them and loved them all!.There is no difference between Philosopher and Sorcerer ,they both mean the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends!. the books are well written and some of the newer ones have darker themes than the earlier ones!.
well reading them won't be a waste of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My wife is 38 and she loves the Harry Potter books!. Read the first one and give them a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my mom luvs it!!
sorcerer American
philosopher British
have fun readin it :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am 48 and loved the Harry Potter series! I have them all on audio too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read them!.
I cant belive you havent yet!Www@QuestionHome@Com