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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Looking for the name of a book, young adult, main characters name was kelly?

Question: Looking for the name of a book, young adult, main characters name was kelly!?
She lived with her father and brother, boyfriends name was John!. Found her dead mothers diary and found out her grandfather molested her mother!. Question was posted a week ago but had no access to internet recently!. Thanks for any helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"If I Could Tell You" by Tania Roxborogh
"As Kelly Marshall approaches her 16th birthday, she grapples with all the usual pressures: friends, school and, especially, sex!.

In this turmoil, she turns to her late mother's schoolgirl dairies!. What she finds there is not the comfort she seeks, but horrific descriptions of sexual abuse by Kelly's grandfather!.

Unaware of the depth of feeling that her lifelong friend, Simon, has for her, Kelly turns to the sexy, good-looking John Schroeder, whose attitude to study is rather less intense than her own and who is keen to have sex with her!.

What should she do!? And what about Simon!? More than ever she craves for a mother to turn to!.

Kelly must come to terms with her mother's dark secret, hoping that hidden somewhere in the dairies are the answers to her own pressing problems!."


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This name comes from Celtic!?so - it is good for the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com