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Question: Am I the only one who cried at the end of breaking dawn!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ahahah, I like your thinking!

I cried a little bit!. When I thought Nessie was going to leave and everyone was going to die!.!.!.but only for a couple seconds!.

And then I realized just how upset I was when I finished the book!.
I tried to go back and read Twilight to get it out of my system!.!.!.

I'll never be able to look at those books the same way!.
They were my favorites!. I'm pissed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I for one didn't feel that the ending of the novel was as emotionally-charged as some of the situations in the other novels!. So, no, I definitely didn't cry!.

In fact, considering the responses to Breaking Dawn - you just MIGHT have been one of the only people who actually did cry!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I cant stop crying!. To me it just didn't have any emotion in it at all!. Not like the other 3 books!. I didn't feel any emotion in it!. The writing was just Bad BAD BAD! I expected something to GREAT and got something so horrible!. I thought there would be some HUGE ending!. Like all hope was lost and you actually thought Bella or Edward or Alice had died for a few seconds or minutes!.!.!.but then BAM and they came back alive or something!. Thats what I thought was going to happen!. To be utterely devasted for a few minutes and then BAM theyre alive!. Something like that!. Well!.!.!.nothing like that happened!. There was no sacrifice!. All the other 3 books were mainly about Bella choosing to become a vampire!.!.!.and about the sacrifices she was going to have to make to be with Edward forever (leaving jacob, human experiences)!.!.!.its like all of that was just contradicted because there WAS NO SACRIFICE at all!. Its like there was no point to the other books!. Because Bella got EVERYTHING WITH NO SACRIFICE!. There was no emotion in the book!.!.!.period!. No death defying moment that made me want to cry!.!.!.no memorable quotes that will stick with me!.!.!.no beautiful Edward moments that make Edward seem like the most beautiful person in the world!.!.!.Carisle usually says something profound!.!.!.no profound carisle moments!.!.!.nothing!. I just want to cry because I feel like I put alot into something that turned out like this!.!.I'm so depressed!. My beautiful Edward and Bella!. I just want to cry!. I put so much into Twilight, I'm HUGE fan, to be let down sooooo much in the end!.

nope i cried because it was all wrong!. i thought it was all a joke and ashton was gonna jump out and say youve been punk'd or gotcha!. when i finished the book i actually pinched myself and thought i was dreaming and the book didnt totally suck!. sad thing was i was awake and it did!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cried!. Not afraid to say it!.

I felt the very ending was almost like we had our old characters back!. They had that strong bond and lots of love but had some maturity in them so their love wasn't a highschool romance anymore!. There wasn't enough romance in this one so that very last part was nice and refreshing!

Let the thumbs down begin -_-;Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I cried for 2 reasons,

1) The book was a disgusting fail, steph killed the whole series with that one!
2) It was the last book (and the fifth one may have been better)


I cried in the middle, when Edward asked jacob for permission to turn Bella into a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, almost everyone did!. Either out of frustration or sadness that the series is over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i basically shed a few tears!.
just over my frustration, of how she kinda killed the book!.

and wasted trees!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cried a lot during it!.

But yes, I did cry at the endWww@QuestionHome@Com

i threw my book at the wall!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com