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Question: Are you on Worthy of Publishing!? Would you mind reading/commenting on my unfinished novel!?

This is three chapters of my unfinished novel!. I'm trying to gain some popularity and fame, if you will, on the site!. So, I would really appreciate it if you have an account to comment and rate on the website!. Comments and critiques on Yahoo! are great too!. Thanks in advance!
Much <3,

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thought I can't really comment on the plot as there is really no plot development as of yet, your story is well-written and in my opinion, kept me reading, particularly the unique way you wrote the "Emma" chapters!. :)

Just a little advice though, remember to keep your tenses the same!. In a few of the lines in the first and third chapter you skip between past and present tense!. Other than that, keep going! You're doing great :)Www@QuestionHome@Com