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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have a question regarding the fact that Snitches have flesh memories?

Question: I have a question regarding the fact that Snitches have flesh memories!?
I recall that in the movie of the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry caught the snitch in his mouth!. However, before that, when Oliver Wood was lecturing Harry about Quidditch, he, without the use of gloves or anything, picked up the snitch and showed Harry!.
Wouldn't the snitch open only for Wood then, in the Deathly Hallows [movie]!? (since they must show it!)
Or was it a different snitch!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was a different snitch! Scrimegoeur also said to Harry that for every match they'd use a new snitch, and that before the game no-one touches the snitch,not even the maker, hence, they must have used a new snitch for Harry's first match!

And I also think the oppossing team would have a jiffy if they thought that the other team were practising with a snitch that will be used in the match!.!.!.!.I think that if they did allow that, it would open the door for foul play (particulary by the slytherins who would do anything to win)!.

So to answer your question, no it was a different snitch! But good question nevertheless!Www@QuestionHome@Com