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Question: Introducing Main Character!?
Okay, so I'm writing a novel and I'm wondering generally when is the main character introduced!? My main character is present from the beginning (it's in first person), but I'm not sure when to actually make her name known!. In my first draft, the character's name was said in the first paragragh, but when I rewrote the first sentence, I took it out!. So now, it doesn't reveal her name until page 30ish!? Is that too late!? Just need some suggestions!.

Thanks for the help :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're the author - its down to you!. There are no rules as such as long as the story is not confusing!. Provided it makes sense, there should not be a problem in revealing the character's name at a later date - worked in well and it could even heighten tension!.!.!.good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Page 30 is WAY to late!. The first paragraph is a bit too early but I think you should put her name in on the 2nd page!. Make somebody like, call out her name!. Don't do any of the annoying "my name is _____" in paragraphs unless they are speaking!. Sorry, I am not trying to sound rude, but I think that page 30 is way to late to introduce the name of the MAIN character!. other minor characters!? Maybe!. But it is always key to introduce the main character earlier!. Readers can get to know the main character faster if you describe them and their personality!. Think of it like a mystery novel!. You have to state the crime FIRST, in the very beginning of the novel, not on page 30!. It's exactly the same with characters!. You describe them at the beginning!. Sorry if you feel I am being harsh!. I just want to help you with your story!
Good luck with the novel!

Depending on her personality, if she is a low-profile person,she can stall the reader with dialogue that does'nt reveal who she really is entirely!. Even so, I think you should move it back a bit!. and try to incorperate it into a certain event!. Does her name have a special meaning, or is it significent in some way!?

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, that's way too late!. Try adding in her name when someone is talking to her, like, "Hey, {name}, !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.," or in the beginning, if she says "I", try going: I, {name}, !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Or maybe you could even change it into third person if that isn't too much of a hassle!.!.!.!?

Hope I helped :) Good luck with your book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm writing a novel with first-person narration, and the main character's name is introduced on page 4!.

Make sure you give your main character an *identity*!

Good luck and happy writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. maybe when she's actually talking to some one and that someone says " Hey,**name here** How are you!? " Or you can just like!.!.!. um!.!.!. tell her birth certificate or something or say " My mother named me *name* because!.!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com