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Question: Who thinks Jacob Black has been ruined!?!?!? = (
I loved Jacob!. He was my favorite character in the New Moon & Eclipse!. He was the only normal,sane character!. But now, after reading Breaking Dawn!.!.!. I can't help but to feel sorry for him!. I can NEVER read New Moon and Eclipse again knowing that he'll end up with Bella's daughter!.

EWWW!. Gross! !.!.!. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way!.!.!. This is wrong, what's wrong with SM!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I definitely agree!. I really liked Jacob, back in twilight and new moon, when he really was the only sane character who was in the loop!. He was fun and impulsive!. Some say he was immature, i think everyone expects way too much from him because everyone else is like centuries old and WAY too mature for their physical age!. Jake is a typical teen werewolf (lol) and he's Bella's best friend!. I think SM really screwed Jake over!. His whole character is ruined because he imprinted on his love's daughter!. How do you tell Renemee that Jacob made out with her mother!? and was in love with her mother until he met Renesmee!?

I liked jacob way more back when he was just Bella's best friend who fixes cars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel exactly the same way!. Jacob was the only character before that I could really feel sympathetic towards!. I really enjoyed the middle part of Breaking Dawn from his perspective, too, but it just seems too unbelievable that he would imprint on Nessie!. She's Bella's DAUGHTER and she's half-vamp, too, and vampires are naturally repugnant to werewolves!. And it doesn't seem real that in Eclipse Bella realized she was in love with Jacob, too, and then in Breaking Dawn never really resolved those feelings!. They just, apparently, went away for both her and Jacob!. In real life, it doesn't exactly work like that!.

I also agree with you about Edward and Bella's love life!. The scenes weren't graphic or anything, but honestly!.!.!.

I hate to say this, but I really felt let down by Breaking Dawn as a whole and especially disappointed by SM!. Her way of finishing the story seemed almost perverted, in my opinion!. Only time will tell, but this book may have ruined the entire series for me, which I find very sad since I thought the first three books were spectacular!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. The whole Nessie imprinting situation forever ruined my perception of him as a character!. It's just so bizarre and far fetched!. Now he's romantically attached to the child of a girl he used to be in love with!?! I thought he was going to end up with Leah, but forget that!. Haha, you're definitely not the only one who's seriously weirded out by this creepy plot twist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ditto! I feel exactly the same way!.
I was going to re-read the series, but I can't do it!. How can I read the jacob/bella make out scene ever again!?!?
And I thought of something horrible!.!.!.!.!.you know SMeyer said she might do another book from another characters point of view!? Maybe its nessies perspective, when shes older and marrying jacob *vomits* I seriously think she is gonna do this, there were so many things with the pack that were never resolved (embrys dad!? leah imprinting!? the REAL werewolves!?)
Hopefully Meyer will see how much we hate Nessie/jacob, and realise a book with those two would be the worst idea ever!. I would vomit if I read that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you guys really READ the whole book!?
Jacob and Nessie won't get married because Nessie will stop growing at the age of 6!. Jacob is still my favorite character because only he seems real to me!. And I really loved the second book from his perspective!. I just love sarcasm and irony!. And Jacob is somehow full of it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really hate the fact that edward imprinted that way!.
I always, ALWAYS wanted jake to imprint on someone we didnt really know, and be far, far away from bella!.
bella isnt good to him!.

I love jake, jake will always be my favorite, but I dont like how he was portrayed in breaking dawn, or how his story ended!.


I loved Jacob too!. Only thing about the books i liked!. The whole twisted plot of Jake falling for their baby!!? That is not only distrubing but shows that Meyer probably just couldnt figure out anything to do with Jake and made him like Quil and fall for the baby!. Blah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. I loved Jake's book but then when he imprinted on Nessie!. Ugh!. Fail, fail, fail!. None of that would have happened if Bella hadn't even gotten pregnant in the first place, like it was supposed to be - well, like it should have been!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do!. Now he's a freaky pedophile who's in love with his ex-lovish type person's daughter!. Crazy!. SM is seriously disturbed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*sighs* Poor Jake!.!.!.he went from pure awesomeness to no personality!.


it feels wrong because bella was in love with jacob!.!.!.shes not even completely over him and to think jacobs first kiss was bella ( i think)
ew how do u explain that to ur daughter!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

kinda!. i dont like how she wrote the book at all!. that is kinda of sick about the whole jacob thing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com