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Question: BREAKING DAWN I LOVED IT (what did you think!?)
I loved the book it took my breath away i had to remember to breate at parts!.

I understand why people didn't like it because it wasn't what you were expecting to be able to love breaking dawn you had to be open minded about it, because it wasn't like any of the others yeah you needed the stories from the others to understand breaking dawn!.
I feel I couldn't read the others anymore andd i'm a huge twilight saga fan my whole room is twilight themed with qoutes on the walls and all!.
but i loved breaking dawn so much!.

I hope others of you did like it to!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I honestly liked it!. Granted, it's formula did change and the context seemed more adult oriented, so I really hoped that parents got some forewarning!.

There was a LOT going on in it!. But it was these intricacies that kept me turning the page!. I got the book at the midnight release and got home around 1:30 that morning!. Didn't sleep until 7AM!. By the afternoon of the 2nd, I was done!. I enjoyed the suspense and finally getting to be able to see what Jacob was like in his head!. He had been pinned for not playing fair with his advances on Bella, but it was nice to see his reasoning for his actions!. He finally got to show us his POV!. I mean, the villain never thinks he's/she's the bad guy!. And there were many other antagonists that had to be dealt with, aside from Jacob, who really turns out okay in the end!. I know the imprinting thing was "gross" for many people, but wouldn't you want to keep the one you loved in your life!?
I liked the sci-fi part of the story, along with the rules and regulations that came with it!. I enjoyed getting the background information and trying to defy the "authorities"!.
Everyone was looking for a fight, but if a fight broke out, would we be able to deal with the casualties!? Everyone was so afraid that someone would die!. Or perhaps maybe that was what expected!? If they got that, would they then be crying about that loss!?

I can give more of an opinion, but I'm pleased with what I read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it, too!. I read that SM said the book gave her closure, and I understand what she meant by that!. Some of the events are unbelieveable!? Really!? That's so surprising, given the many vampires and werewolves we have running around these days!.

I really think people need to lighten up and realize that this is a fantasy based book!. Bella changes so much and is very different by the end of BD, but I found that altogether believeable!.!.!. have a child, very nearly die protecting that child, and become a vampire before you criticize her actions/changes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it too! I thought it was great!. For those who say it was predictable, I disagree!. Your are crazy! I'm happy that Bella ended up with Edward, and that Jacob got his happyish ending!. You have to be crazy to hate this book! I stayed up till 1 in the morning reading it and then as soon as I got up, finished it!. I think it was just as good as twilight, and beter than eclipse and new moon!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked the book and i was wondering if i was the only one, too!. everyone is ripping on the book and really, it wasn't that bad!. i think part of the problem is that it was so highly anticipated and people had such high hopes that the book just couldn't live up to them!. and i didn't really mind the imprinting!. it's not the end of the world!.!.!. i actually kind of liked that part :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

hah!. i pretty much hated it!.
bella becoming a sex addict, BEGGING for it, edward ripping a pillow to shreads with his teeth, a mutent baby that jacob imprints with making bella his soon 2 b MOTHER IN LAW!
come on, i just thought steph had better ideas!.
guess not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could have been made a lot better, she set herself up well but didn't take the time to make it superb!. I'm still in love with the first three books though!.

That's just my opinion!.

i adored it!
go us
and i was sorta dissapointed bout jake - but watever hes happy - so am i! although SM should have made him imprint on like!.!.!.angela or lauren ot jessica or anyone elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it too!!! The jacob mprinting was a little weird, but im okay with it!. lol One of my favorite parts was when Bella arm-wrestled Emmett!!! And I thought the wedding was lovely :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

you are one of the few

SM lost her touch!. it was just too fake for me!. bella getting pregnant with a mutant baby who tries to kill her!?!


I really liked it! Www@QuestionHome@Com

You need therapy, like, NOW

it's digusting!. the book is filthy and ew -shudders- dude, wtf is with sm!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't hate it but i didn't love it!. I definitely didn't like the whole Jacob is Bella's son-in-law buisness!. Who has made out with their son-in-law!? I think there were some really good ideas in there but SM tried o cram all her ideas into this book because it's the last!. I think she should have just wrote the book as just another book in the twilight saga, not as the ive-got-one-last-chance-to-get-all-my-id!.!.!. -crammed-into-one book, if that makes sense!. The whole Volturi thing was good!. They had to get involved at some point!. I don't think Alice should have left!. That was definitely not a good idea!. I didn't get the point of the whole J!. Jenks thing!. All in all i think if she hadn't tried to cram 3 plots (their wedding, honeymoon romance, the Volturi attack, and the mutant baby) all into one book, then they would have been really really good books!. But it just doesn't work to cram them all in together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked (not loved) this book!. although i feel the actions of the characters are more realistic, i!.e!. not so melodramatic, i didn't always agree with the events in the narrative!.

jacob imprinting on renesmee was one i didn't like considering how strong his feelings were for bella in previous novels!. it is also a little weird that bella could envision a future with jacob, kids and all, only to end up with him as a future son-in-law!.

i also felt that there was more gore (with the delivery of renesmee) and less action in this novel!. i wanted there to be a fight between the volturi and the cullens + allies!. sm built a lot of tension leading up to the confrontation only to have it end peacefully!. kind of anticlimactic but understandable for the open-ended/hopeful conclusion she was striving for!.

overall though, i enjoyed it!. i read it in one sitting!. i was team jacob, and i still felt satisfied at the end!. it was more mature, which i definitely appreciated!. however, twilight is still my favorite of the series, despite there being scenes that were overly corny, mushy, or dramatic, or all of the above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com