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Question: Who wrote 1001 Nights
Was it Agatha Christy!? Danielle Steele!? Beatrix Potter!? I'm not sure!. And could you give me a plot summary!. How long is it!? Why is the genie blue!?

Please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stephanie Meyer or Rowling!?!? I am not sure!!! just kidding!.!.!.

Arabian Nights is a very old fairy tale!. It was produced in the Mid-East!. But I doubt, if the actual writer is known, if at all there is one!.

The story begins with the incident of King Shah Zaman!. His wife turns out unfaithful to him!. While he is away on a tour to his brother's Kingdom, he discovers that his wife has an affair with a black slave (he creeps back to the palace, for some other reason and notes it!)!. When they reach the brother's Kingdom, they find that the bitter truth that nothing can control the desire of a woman is true!. His brother's story is much similar to his own!. Thats how the obsession starts,!. There after his brother, Shahryar, decides to kill all the women in his kingdom!. His modus operandi is that he marries the woman in the evening and kills her in the morning!. All done, till only the Wazir's (minister's) daughters are left- Sharazad and Dunyazad!. When he marries her, she comes to know of the King's love for stories!. So she tells him a story evrynight and leaves the ending in suspence!. This delays her killing!. She creates one story from another!. (This is a very beautiful thing about the 1001 nights - one story leasing to another)!. After 1001 nights the stories end and the King is reformed!.

That's what I know about the books!. A search on the Net may confirm!.

Why the genie is blue!?!? Well in my copy of the book, the genies and all other paintaings (there were seldom anyhow!) were sketched in pen!. also they were not your usual round-belly jinns!. Maybe Amaranta is eight- being locked in the lamp for too long!. Or maybe because blue is the closet you can get to black, without being black actually!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

As in Arabian Nights!? As in Scheherazade!? Those are a collection of tales told over centuries in Persia!. You can find a bunch of books on Amazon (see link below)!. I don't think there's a particular reason for the genie being blue!.

I don't know who wrote 1001 Nights!. I will only give my guess why the genies are blue!. If you were to be trapped inside the lamp for ages, you will also turn blue!. The lackness of space and enough air can turn anyone into blue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well I know the name of the narrator!.!.his name is Scheherazade!.

For chapter summaries go to this link:

it'll be definitely of help to u!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I'm pretty sure it was Nora Roberts!.

Blue is Robin Williams' favorite color!.Www@QuestionHome@Com