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Question: Can a person publish fiction e-books, rather than getting an agent & going through a publisher!?
I know I asked this earlier, but I only got 1 answer because the Y!A system was backed up!. I need more than 1 person's help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As an e-published author, I'm thrilled you asked!.

I don't write erotica!. I write romance!. But I do write niche works -- novellas!. Because of the specific length of my work, e-publishing was absolutely the way to go!.

I write for a well-respected and legitimate e-publisher with a full staff of trained, experienced editors, artists and PR/marketing department!.

My publisher purchases ads in every issue of RT and the RWR and they have an excellent reputation within the industry!. If you ask for the best romance e-pubs, my publisher is consistently among the top 3!.

They've also been able to place my work in big-box stores because they do have a print arm that's in the booksellers catalogues!. Because I write short, I've been in three anthologies that have hit the shelves!. Four in the spring when my next story comes out!.

We're not all hacks, thank you very much!. My writing DOES get edited for content and story as well as the most basic spelling and grammar issues!. Luckily, I turn in clean copy so that's not a big issue for me!. I'm a professional and I take my work seriously!.

That said, there are plenty of e-pubs out there who kind of give the industry a black eye by failing to live up to professional standards!. I can see where the misconceptions arise!.

I think e-publishing isn't the answer for everyone!. With all the e-pubs out there -- and some with pretty low standards -- just about anyone who doesn't know any better will get published by some hack operating out of their garage!.

If you have a full-length, mainstream story, then from a professional standpoint, there's no reason not to try the traditional print route!. The chances of success are, admittedly, smaller!. They operate on a far different business plan than e-pubs!. But if you do get a contract, your chances of financial success are much greater!.

This is still no way to get rich, but print has a much bigger share of the book-buying pie!. There's no doubt about that!.

E-publishing works for me because I knew what I had to offer and I understood what an e-pub could provide!. At this point in my career, I'm making a name for myself, getting publicity, and getting paid!. When my novel is ready to go out, I'll already have something additional to offer publishers -- a built-in audience, though it's not huge!.

You do have to put a lot of your energy into marketing yourself!. But then, with the smaller resources that publishers put into their authors these days, even the print authors I know spend a lot of time and effort doing their own marketing!.

That's where your money goes!. Marketing!. It's not on publishing if you're with a legit e-pub!. It's on websites and promotion, although you can certainly do quite a bit of promo that costs little more than your time!.

also, keep in mind that e-publishing is NOT the same as self-publishing!. They're totally different business models!. An e-publisher is essentially a small publisher that operates primarily online, rather than in print!. They acquire, edit and sell books, package and market them just like any other publisher, but on a smaller scale!.

So know what you want out of publishing before you make your decision!. If you have a niche story for a specific market, then e-publishing is a great resource right now!. I do see it growing by leaps and bounds, though, so that's something to keep in mind!.

If you have a novel that's essentially mainstream, then by all means, go for a mainstream publisher!. But it's entirely up to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could bypass an agent/editor and go directly to a publisher with a finished example of your book!. On www!.bookemon!.com you can create a hardback/paperback, design the cover, include dedications, insert pictures/photos, etc!. At the end of the process, you can buy the book you created for approx $30!. This can give you the sample you need to give to interested publishers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, you can!. In fact on my blog, (see my profile) I interviewed James Melzer who has gone down that path!. However, unless you're an experienced writer, fully able to edit to professional standards, your book is likely to contain an awful lot of mistakes!.

Another problem arises with recognition!. Because there is no vetting procedure with self-published work, no future publisher will take the self-published work seriously!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

*Please excuse the Monster Length [!], but!.!.!.
If you can and have the energy to maintain and spread the news in as many cyber-outlets as possible, publishing a 'fiction e-book' is rather like going into any other kind of self-publication: it will cost you something in most cases and it may be difficult to make back the kind of money you'd like to see!.

One site mentioned in The Writer's Market (which you should still read at least at a library, the first section on how to publish properly) is:
http://www!.authorsguild!.org (if you look today, you'll immediately see an article on e-book publication)
The expert who has a few paragraphs on 'cyber-marketing' in my '05 The Writer's Market says s/he puts a small blurb on for the book (not an ebook, though) on every piece of email sent out, by writing a great one and making it part of his/her signature!. Good idea!.

The one thing I know you do need is a great web site, to attract people to your book!. If you're on top of that already, I suggest again that you study publication in the lastest issue of The Writer's Market to know ALL there is to know about this!.

There are many online 'writing job sources' listed in my '05 book!. I don't know if it's changed a great deal!. Freelance jobs are listed at the following sites:
http://www!.Monster!.com (no good, not present)
http://www!.allfreelancework!.com (error in address; don't know what)
http://www!.poewar!.com/jobs/index!.html (no longer present)
--The links remaining check out alright, though they are, as said, mostly to find writing jobs!. There may be hidden gems for you; I didn't search deeply!.--
All (NOT all, only the still viable ones) of the above appear to me to be places to find freelance work online, not a place to publish an e-book!.
'Electronic rights' are listed in my book under various types of rights held by both author and publisher (they hold different rights, per agreement on sale of the work, but) you'll need to know what those are to protect your own!.

also try the well-respected http://www!.absolutewrite!.com for lots on info on publishing, anywhere!.
And go to: http://www!.writersmarket!.com for a free trial, then charges of $3!.99 a month for use!. It will certainly always be up-to-date, but be sure you'll consult it once a month at least, and be sure to 'turn it off' when you've finished with it!.

Suggest you check out all this sources before reaching a decision!.

*Recall that if you don't have an agent or publisher backing you up, regarding advertisement and book signings, you will have to be very energetic and able to self-promote will great self-confidence (and money)!.
Personally, I like everything I publish to be on a printed page, pages that work even without electricity!.
Best of luck no matter your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do I get to repeat my answer!?

Yes, you can try e-publishing, but the chances of selling are not very good unless the work is erotica!. That's the only genre selling well in e-book form!.

When you, your friends, your family, your teachers, etc!. are looking for something to read, do they visit the websites of e-publishers first!? Nope!. And neither does anybody else, which is why sales remain poor!. No marketing plan that works is in place!.

So ask yourself why you don't want to go the print route, with an agent (or a small press which doesn't require agents)!. The truthful answer ("I wonder if I'm good enough" "What if they reject me!?") is the one that can open your eyes!.

Don't lower your aim!. Raise your own standards in terms of what you write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you can!. You can either try Amazon!.com and hope for the best, or you can create and publicize your own website for your books!. (I recommend http://www!.joomla!.org which is a free service for creating your website if you don't have the technical knowledge to create a website!.) You can set up your stories as an ebook at this website: http://www!.ebookcompiler!.com Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com