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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do you hate Breaking Dawn? Honestly.

Question: Why do you hate Breaking Dawn!? Honestly!.
Now personally!. When I got through the first what!.!. 8th of the book!. I absoloutly hated it!. I could NOT stand it!. They did it like rabbits!. I mean!.!. that kind of ruined it for me!. Plus her getting pregnant was a big leap of drama, that I wasn't ready for!. It surprised me and made me feel utterly stupid that I didn't see it coming!. It was annoying!.!. because Stephenie gave Bella everything she wanted!. When in reality she wanted Bella to relate to every other teenage girl in the world!. And quite frankly, we don't get Edward Cullens, or Bella's life!.

Another thing that bothered me was how it switch to Jacobs point of view and you had no idea what the hell was going on!. Your left wondering!.!. "Sweet!.!. I get to see what's in Jacobs mind about the baby!. Just what I wanted to do!.!." I doubted it being exciting at first, but I found Jacob more informational and rational!. He was cute!.

The whole baby thing bothered me though!. You can't just throw something like that into the mix of her life, and then find all these little strings to explain it!. It made it feel unreal!. I literally had to take a 2 hour break from reading to let the pregnancy SINK in!.

While I thought it was boring!.!. and unlike Stephenie!.!. it started to grow on me!. Almost like Nessie grew on everybody else!. At first I thought they should just kill Bella!.!. cause she's being idiotic an unheroic!.!. being lifesupport for something killing her!. But when she was finally!.!.born!.!. she made everything better!. She pulled Edward and Bella back together, she ended Jacobs infatuation and turned it on herself!. She brought alot of people together!. And she got to live!. Its a happy ending for everyone!.

So while!.!. it was!.!. not AMAZINGLY SO SECRET THAT NO ONE SHOULD KNOW BEFORE THEY READ IT!.!.!.it was, in my opinion, an okay ending for Bella and Edward, I found myself smiling rather than frowning as I read the last page!.

They were a big happy family!. And I was actually glad to see!. "the end!." on the next page!. It was a fitting ending!. But not utterly amazing, sorry Stephenie!.!. your still my favourite author, but I'm not going to lie!.!. it wasn't what I had hoped for!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because BD showed an absolute lack of morality and ethical behavior!. There was not a single shred of human decency in this book!.

Jake and Edward bargain about having sex with Bella!. Yeah, great!. Edward, your wife is not a whore!. Bargaining with sex is NOT something you should do!. Jacob, you are an *** for giving into him against your better judgment!. Learn to stick to your morals, dude!.

In the meantime, Edward wants to kill his baby!. Great!. Yeah, it's killing Bella!. THANKS TO YOU!.

THEN we have Jacob imprint on said new born!. Forget the fact that he was madly in love with Bella and made out with her!. Forget the fact that Bella is the future grandmother of his children!. Forget the fact that he'll be having sex with the daughter of the woman he originally was in love with and fantasized having sex with!. Yeah, being a pedophile is just great!. And incest is even better!. Jake was the only character worth a damn in the entire series-- he was the only decent one!. And SM completely ruined his character!. I don't know WHY she thought having him end up with Bella's daughter would make us happy!. It's just a disgusting ending!. The worst possible one she ever could have given him!.

OH and let's forget that Stephenie Meyer went against everything she set up in the first three books!. The series was about her struggle to pick between two lives-- the human one, and the eternal one!. She finally made her choice, and she STILL ended up with everything she wanted!. So much for the supposed "sacrifice"!. It's not fair that she gets to keep Jacob-- she should never have gotten to keep Jacob!. What happened to her supposed "sacrifice"!? Wasn't she supposed to be giving up things to become a vampire, not keeping everything!? You can't have your damn cake and eat your own damn cake too!

All of SM's vampire rules were pretty much void in this book as well!. She said that the vamps had no body fluid outside of their venom-- so where did Edward's little swimmers come from!? The Easter Bunny!? Eh!?

There were plot holes like crazy!.
In fact, there was barely a plot!. The plot looks like swiss cheese-- there are holes all over in it!.

The characters acted, well, out of character!. Bella was more annoying and didn't act like Bella, Edward was a little too aloof, Jacob went all psycho in Book 3 (he didn't act like Jacob at all!. The entire middle portion was from his perspective, but he completely fell out of the story in the last section), Rosalie all but disappeared (even though she'd been so important in Book 2), and there were just way too many new characters introduced!.

AND, the writing sucked!.

I felt like I was reading bad fan fiction!. It was just awful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was full of many twists abnd I think stephanie did a great job adressing the needs of Team Edward and Team Jacob!. Now she won't get any hatemail or anything!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Urgh, just about everything!. I haven't read the book because I'm giving Meyer my hard-earned money!. I'll get it from the library and read spoilers!. I can't even pick which bit I hated!. The pregnancy, the birth scene, the honeymoon, the characters, the NAME, (Despite the fact it sounded like a femmeslash ship name!. Come on, Reneesme!? Renee and Esme!?) or the fact Bella is now a canon Mary-Sue!. This book just solidfied everyone's belief of her Mary-Sueness!.

But when I see how many people on Amazon hate it!.!.!.it makes me feel good!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

damn just about all of you answerers summed it up for me! WAY TO GO! you are like the first ones who actually understand where I'm coming from!

What happened to Jacob fighting for Bella before she got married!?
Before ANYTHING happened between her and edward!?! what happened to bella loving him like that but it just wasn't enough!. STEHPHENIE WATS HER NAME never said a word about her loving him like that and the conflict! She just makes Jacob imprint!. AND FYI thts rele stupid to want to have Jacob be close to Bella this way!. UGH who could be satisfied with that!. If he weren't so blind with the imprint!. He would have to sit through all of their stupid sex relationship stuff!. Blech!. Jacob fell in love with Leah!. that would have been amazing! IM JUST GONNA PRETEND THIS TRASH was never written and imagine Jacob falling for someone his age!. :) Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Reason why i hated it sooo much was the
a) Bella being pregnant!. I mean honestly, didn't Stephanie Meyer say that vampires can't reproduce!? So how the hell is Edward an exception!? The Twilight series is about romantic love between Bella and Edward!. I felt none of that in Breaking Dawn because the whole pregnancy shorta ruined it!.
b) The other characters!. Is it me, or did anyone feel like most of the Cullen family slacked depth!? Plus, hello!? You could've said more about the rest of the Fork's students (Mike, Angela, Jessica, etc, etc)!.
c) Ummmm!.!.!.!.how was Bella so clumsy as a human and now she's soo graceful even for a vampire!?
d) The wedding!. C'mon, it was soo short and shorta cheesy! C'mon, SM, you could've said more about the wedding!
e) The Honeymoon!. I expected it to be more happier and humorous!. I would've been ok with the sex scene if it wasn't mostly ALL sex!. Where's the love (not physical)!?
f) The birth scene!. It was waaaaayyy tooooo disturbing and gruesome!. Another reason as to why i think Bella's pregnancy mostly ruined the book!.
g) The writing!. The only part i liked was Jacob's POV!. He seemed like the only character who stayed the same!. The rest were sooo!.!.!.!.!.!.altered!.
I can't read Twilight ever again knowing what will happen to them in the future!. Too disturbing!.
Stephanie Meyer could've written a waaaay more better plot than this!. Do you know how many fanfics are out there that have similar plots!?!?!?!? I expected to love this book and make me cry, now, this book makes me shocked and mad!. I want my refund! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay I did enjoy the book!.

The only thing that bothered me was how it reminded me of Harry Potter with the whole dark angst once Bella got pregnant!. I felt so bad for Edward during that part and how he was slowly going insane probably because Bella was "throwing her life away" it seemed to everyone right then!.

At first I was a bit mad that Nessie ever came in but she seriously would start to grow on me and she was so cute how she'd prefer to use her power to communicate and whatnot!. She truly brought everyone together!. After Nessie was born, it sort of returned to the aloft atmosphere that all the other books held!. ANd I was so happy with that!.

I think most people are truly hating it becasue if you read any of the theories people came up with it didn't involve a child!. It involved the Volturi sabotaging the wedding and starting a war, the wolves starting war over the treaty, or even Tanya and the Denali coven fighting against the Cullens!. I think everyone was looking forward to those type things that they would read in fanfictions and that that's all they could picture!. The child fanfics or whatever (for those who read fanfictions anyway) always seemed too out of it and it would never happen and then BOOM it did!. But I LOVE Nessie!.

I was smiling by the end of it!. I liked how it ended except that its sort of that feelign that yearns for more and you don't want it to end!.

The Jacob POV thing!. At first when I saw that I was fuming because I hate Jacob!. Then I started reading it and seriously Jacob, Seth, and Emmett were the comical relief during the angst period!. WIth Emmett's jokes on bella and edward's sex life while charlie was around to everyone telling Seth to shut up (XD lol!.) and also Jake and Leah talking about how Seth was dropped on his head!. Plus the Blonde jokes!. OMG!. Those were good just how he kept on trying to find one she never heard of!. And Rosalie's grudge!.

I think it was a nice way to change Rosalie's relationship with Bella though!.

I think it's just the unexpected and the emotional/mental things going on in the reader while reading it that is causing everyone to hate it and whatnot!.

Whatever!. I still liked it!. Twilight is still my favorite out of them all and I still love Stephenie-she's still my favorite author and I still idol her and JK Rowling for my career!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sucks!. It just sucks and is poorly written!. In the first seven chapters, it just rushes in and the next thing you know, the main characters pregnant!!?!? Its poorly written!. It like reading crappy fan-fiction!. And Jacobs ending!?! I would have rather had him DIE, then have him imprint on "Renesmee"!. Way to go S Meyer, way to ruin my favorite character!. And the ending just sucked!. A happy, fluffy ending!. Stephenie Meyer needs to get her head out of the clouds and realize that her fans can handle a not so perfect ending, in fact i prefer those, it makes the book more real!. I really do think that S Meyer was on crack when she wrote this, and if she wasn't, then shes an awful writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It didn't make any sense! It was a complete disregard for the plot-line set up in the first three books with the love triangle between Bella and Edward and Jacob!. I'd rather see Jacob perform some self-sacrificing act and end up dead with Bella living with the guilt than have him imprint on her daughter! That just makes me sick! The general fact that Bella even has a daughter makes me sick! Down with the lake monster! It would have been a little better if the Volturi had killed it or if it killed Bella or something happened so that there wasn't such a sickeningly happy ending! I guess SM has just turned into most authors who try to write a series, by the last book you're wondering how it came to this and what happened to the characters you thought you could understand and relate to!. Too bad!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com