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Question: Breaking dawn question!?NO SPOILERS
but was it really that bad!?i'm waiting for my book to come in because i pre-ordered it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's not bad at all it's good writing and I think those who think it's sick are just not comfortable with change, so far the book is really weird and not like the other 3 it's not as fluffy and laid back and sugar coated as the others it's to the point and it focuses alot on the characters, especially Jacob you can really feel what they feel and you learn alot more about them and about Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its!.!.!. different!. It bring out a different side of many characters and i can't help the feeling that this is wrong in a little way!. Twilight was finding true love!. New Moon wa slosing true love, and Eclipse was choosing true love!. Now Breaking Dawn is!.!.!. i dunno!.

!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT (skip this paragraph its not that bad a spoiler but if u relly dont wanna know!.!.!.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Beaking Dawn is!.!.!. have a hybrid baby that almost destroys Bella, have Bella's secondary love (Jacob) imprint on said baby (ew), have Irina randomly in the forest, and add in the Volturi planning a creepy mass attack!.

!!!!!!END SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!

I just think this book had a different pace to it!. personally i like all the Edward and Bella fluff and the first 3 books had lots!. Now its like with the last book Steph tried to turn a romance into a plot-twist-a-minute adventure!. I didn't mind it that much, but definitely the most creepy, and didn't live up to my girly expectations of fluff, wedding, honeymoon fluff, Bella and Edward live happly ever after!. Ah well!. Steph seems to write way better not under pressure, when she came up with twilight Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is kinda hard to explain without giving out spoilers but i'll try

I'm a die hard Twilighter!. I love these books and everything about them!. Breaking Dawn was a let down for me!. SM shot holes in all her building of the last 3 books and hardly put in anything that i loved about th books!. Like Edward/Bella love!.

The book overall, was okay!. But i absolutely hated the main plot twist because SM went on record many times saying this wasn't possible!.

I would buy the book no matter what anyone told me so i'm a little biasedWww@QuestionHome@Com

its not bad! it was a little shocking and made you doubt the book at some parts but as a whole i thouroughly enjoyed it!!!! but i guess everyone is entitled to there opinions so i say go a head and read it but you might not love it or hate it as much as some other people!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unorder it!. Don't waste your money, because you'll be better off never touching the pages!. Reread the other three to satisfy your need for it, since Breaking Dawn is an epic failure of a book!. Spare yourself the pain we all had to go through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's sick, twisted, immoral, and disgusting!.
There's no plot!.
There are dozens of plot holes!.
There is a lot of filler and useless info in the book!.
The writing sucks!.
The characters acted out of character!.
It just sucked!.
Worst book I've ever read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i didn't like the 3rd one!. This is one is SOOOO much worse!. You can tell how hard Stephenie Meyer was trying to write it!. Its just so weird!. It doesn't fit in with the other ones!.

In my opinion-
EPIC FAIL!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, some parts are perverted, and it is very nasty for a big portion during the book!. Well!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.we can't really tell you why it's sick without ruining it!. Sorry!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not very good!.
Sick, twisted, strange, abnormal!.
A real let-down to say the very least!.
But read it and be the judge for yourself!. (:


I didn't think it was that bad!. The ending was anti-climactic, and there were some gross parts!. I was disappointed!. 3/5 stars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes its bad!.

its sick and twisted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me and my friend:



p!.s!. we havent read it yet


sorry, it kind of is!. It's not like the other books!. Www@QuestionHome@Com