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Question: How did you get your copy of Breaking Dawn!?
How did you get your copy of breaking dawn!? Did you have to fight for it!? I got mine by going to Barnes and Noble yesterday!. The lady said they had no more copies!. :( So I was just randomly walking around the store looking for it!. I was in the Christian section and I saw it in the shelf!. The cover was taken off and shoved behind the book!. So someone oviously had hidden, but I got it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
my cousin's english teacher had set up this discussion group where we could buy books from her for $15!. her aunt owned a book store, so my cousin's teacher got the books a day early (she waited to read them though!. haha) my cousin invited me to come and was going to buy it for me because my b-day is coming up!. so yeah, we went and got our books!. we didn't have to pull hair or step on anyone or anything!!! haha!. it was a peice of cake!. it's funny how you got yours though!.!.!. you are soooo lucky (although the person who hid it wasn't!! lol)
good question, star for you! haha
have a good day!.!.!.

Breaking Dawn comes out tomorrow for us in England, i won't be getting it for about a week since i just bought Eclipse today, i don't know why i left it so long to buy Eclipse!. Hopefully by the time i want to buy it they'll of restocked it, although i'm not too sure how popular it is in the UK!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I pre-ordered mine online from Borders like a week before!. I chose the ship to store option!. Then at midnight, I went to the information desk, told them my name and they handed me my book!. I didn't have to stand in line because I paid online, and only like 5 people did that, so our line was very short!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I called my grandmother at seven in the morning and woke her up, basically ordering her to take me to the nearest 24-hour wal-mart!. I ran in and took it off, practically giddy with anticipation!.

I loved the book, btw!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Went to Borders for the midnight release party!. Watched people be idiots!. I am (actually was) obsessed too, but not as much as the other people there!. Waited in line!. I was the sixty-second in line out of 450!. Lucky me!.!.!.!. BD sucked!. So dissapointed in you SM!.!.!.!. *sigh*Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went to Barnes and Noble at nine fifteen and I was 38th in line!. The wait to get a wristband and a number was about 45 minutes!. I bought my book at 12:07!. (No I wasn't counting down in line! LOL!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol, that's a funny story!. You found it hidden!?

I went to Barnes and Noble and waited an hour and half in line to get two copies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I went to the Midnight Premire at BordersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow that's lucky! I reserved it and got it at a midnight release partay yay!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wal-mart!. I didn't have to wait, I got my book right at 12:01Www@QuestionHome@Com