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Question: What is the name of this book and the author!?
I know the main character's name is Grace!. She goes from being a pro tennis player to an every day girl!. It's a fiction book, though!. She goes to like!.!. Alaska or someplace in the middle of nowhere to live with her aunt Ava or something!. If possible, give me the book title and author!. I think it has the word 'Grace' in the title, but I cannot find it anywhere!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Amazing Grace" by Megan Shull
"Teenage tennis-star Grace Ace Kincaid has the talent and looks that make her a hit both on the court and on Madison Avenue!. But she is falling apart, breaking under the tremendous pressure of worldwide fame!. She wants OUT!. And she gets her wish–a total break from her lifestyle and identity!. She becomes Emily O'Brien, everyday teenager, with nose-ring intact!. She is transported to remote Medicine Hat, AK, where she lives with her new guardian, retired FBI-agent Ava Grady, in a rustic cabin, complete with outhouse and freezing-cold showers!. At first shocked by her surroundings, Grace comes to love them, as it is here that she experiences a sense of normalcy in her life, including a love interest, solid friendships, and much-needed support from the local therapist!. Shull's very short chapters with headings such as three zillion years later, are catchy, fun, and full of the ever-changing world of adolescent emotions!. The novel offers a consistent sense of delight and the feeling that, no matter what, Grace will always come out on top!. This is due in large part to her many fairy godmothers along the way, steering her toward a level of comfort with herself, her talents, her feelings, and her desire to live life on her own terms!. A Cinderella story for this day and age, indeed"Www@QuestionHome@Com

http://books!.google!.co!.uk/books!?id=WG9UG!.!.!. copy and paste, all about the book!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Amazing Grace
Author:Megan Shull


Amazing Grace!. There you go!


Amazing Grace
Author:Megan Shull

Wonderful story, well worth reading!

hope this helps =-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is it "Amazing Grace," (Paperback)
by Megan Shull!? You can find it on amazon!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Amazing Grace" by Megan ShullWww@QuestionHome@Com

amazing grace!.!.!. finding grace is something elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

finding grace and i dont know the author!.
GREAT BOOK!Www@QuestionHome@Com