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Question: Has anyone read breaking dawn yet!?
If so how was it was it horrible or good!?
I've been hearing really bad reviews on the book
whats your opinion on it if you finished reading it!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i personally loved the book!. it had to be my favorite out of all of the books!. i mean granted, it was all way unexpected and different but since when is that a BAD thing!?

i think it was a nice change and a great way to end the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a die hard Twilighter!. I love these books and everything about them!. Breaking Dawn was a let down for me!. SM shot holes in all her building of the last 3 books and hardly put in anything that i loved about th books!. Like Edward/Bella love!.

The book overall, was okay!. But i absolutely hated the main plot twist because SM went on record many times saying this wasn't possible!.

I would buy the book no matter what anyone told me so i'm a little biasedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I finished the book about an hour ago!.

Honestly!? The plot really dragged!. There wasn't a lot of action and the things that happened just didn't seem real to me!. Sometimes I felt like I was reading a fan fiction and not the real thing!. I had to remind myself that "Yes, Stephenie wrote this!."

I'll admit that it wasn't one of her best!. "/
I still like the other books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i read it
i thought it was bizarre
after jacobs point of view i didn't like it
it was so boring
not as intriguing
not as much to think about
no fight scene!
it was so out there!
bella as a vamp has like no emotions
and nessi and jake was so random
jake basically fell out of the story!
i didn't really like it
she could have done a lot betterWww@QuestionHome@Com

well personally i thought it was a good ending!. i'[m sad that the series is over :( well maybe over!.!.!. you know authors sometimes they say its there last book but they just cant help it and they end up writing another book!

but i'm happy cuz she is writing twilight in edwards POV and then she said she might write soem books in otehr characters POV

but i liked it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first few chapters I was like "Oh my gosh, what was SM thinking!?!?" But, as I got farther into the book, I began to like it more and more!. It's not what I expected, but I enjoyed it!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a real stinker!.

The end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com