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Question: Would you feel bad about it!?
Ed and me was ridin’ south on 61 with a load a wood when the first of it started fallin’!. You can always tell when it’s gonna be an asskicker, the sky kinda turns whitish-gray and the flakes start to fallin’ real slow, like they’re dancin’ their way to the ground!. The radio was talkin’ about 6-8 inches but Ed was goin’ on about that damn sky and how he figured at least a foot, maybe more!. See, ol’ Eddie, he figured he was some kinda unofficial weatherman, and the boys down at the VFW swore by him and mosta the time he was right when it come to the big ones!. Them boys would drink their beer and listen to Ed go on about the weather like he was givin’ a halftime speech before the damn super bowl!. It was probably the most entertainment them boys was gonna get on any given night, and they listened and laughed and let ol’ Ed run on and on about it!. Funny how you knew it was gonna be a bad one when Ed knew it was gonna be a bad one, and you also knew when he was just talkin’!. I figured he wasn’t just talkin’ on this one and I was glad we’d got that wood before the bulk of the snow had fallen!. It was only the middle of December and it looked to be a long and cold one!.
We saw Charlie about five seconds before we hit him, but we didn’t know it was him!. When them flakes get to buzzin’ down fast, you can look and look at somethin’ and you won’t know what it is until your on top of it!. Bill knew it was Charlie before I could make him out, ‘cause he veered off left just as the headlights come up on his jacket!. The right side bumper caught Charlie at the knees, but there is something I know all too well that I ain’t never said before!. That wasn’t Charlie that we hit that night!. He mighta had that same raggedy jacket pulled tight around him, but it wasn’t him!.
I saw the face!. That was the only time I ever remember my heart stopping for more than just a second or two!. It didn’t start beating again until Bill was outta the truck and around to the ditch where the body had been flung!. I used to read about folks that would say they seen someone with “evil lookin’ eyes”, but I never could quite get it into my head what they looked like until that night!. I can describe them to you now, but it wouldn’t do no good!. The only way to put it is, they was movin’!. They were a whole different part of the head they was in, and they were in control of everything they looked at!. They was movin’ on their own, like they were being’ lugged around by a body they wanted nothin’ to do with!. They led Charlie right into that truck, and the last thing I seen before my heart stopped was those swirlin’ eyes and Charlie’s clenched teeth!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dude, you make my head spin with your lavish yarns -- poetry-- haven't read any worthwhile stuff !.!.!.a long time coming!.!.you are definatly food for the soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have felt a lot of things, bad and not bad included!. I'm sure you didn't grab the wrong page!. The narrator is still talking, kind of like that pencil to my right keeps coming back!. I'm ready for page 3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would you please just send me this manuscript!? I want to hold it in my hands, feel the words on the pages, smell the paper as I turn them, keep the bound copy close to my side!.


Did you riffle his pockets and get the last few bucks [ buk's] of his veteran's check!? It was the end of the month you know and things can get a little thin about then!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would feel bad, yes!.!.!.
now where is part 3!?!?
anxiously awaiting!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

would i feel bad about hitting old charlie!? yes, even if i kew it wasn't really him!. knowing it wasn't him might help me deal with it, but i would still feel bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*wonders if Billy ever learned what a "connum" was*Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is lookin interesting, but I need to find my stronger reading glasses to finish it!.!.!.!.been reading a lot today!. I know I'll like it!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buk, I love Q's; but, I'M hammered right now!. cann I come and add on later!? Thefre was way too much tooo read!.you know I'm qualicked to sort yor life out !. LEts tak later!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not going to answer until I watch the movie adaptation of the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Answer 2 of 1,872Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poor Charlie!.!.Love honeyWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Walking Dude!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow you need the X files on this oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

poor charlie!. i wonder was he wearing a raggedy old football jerseyWww@QuestionHome@Com

awesome!.!.!.what next!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dang! I missed part 1!. Can u email it to me, Pretty please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good Dear Buk!.!.!.can I bite you a bit now!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's "almost" but it's NOT the perfect country-western song because You haven't said anything at all about:
or trains,
or sausages,
or prison,
or gettin' drunk!.


Yeah I would feel bad about it!.
I could feel the chill rising as Charlie came into view, then the doubt as the eyes burst into my brain!.
Now I'm not so sure if I should feel bad!.

I can 'see' these characters, I know the type of storm, hell yeah I know that snow!. Coulda been me guiding the ambulance to the scene, or maybe walkin' through the fields on the way home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know if I can wait for all 1,872, but I'm sure it'll be worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com