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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some good books about the "Drug Years" or "Psycadelic Er

Question: What are some good books about the "Drug Years" or "Psycadelic Era"
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There is quite a few out there how easy they will be to find is another story!.
Aldous Huxley's (Heaven and Hell) and (Doors of Perception!.)(both H!.R)
Timothy Leary's (Flashbacks) and (High Priest!.)(both H!.R)
Charles Taft (Altered States of Consciousness!.)(H!.R)
Richard Alpert,Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner(Psychedelic Experience)
Richard Alpert,Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner(Psychedelic Reader!.)
(both H!.R)
Hermann Hesse (Stephenwolf, Magister Ludi and the glass bead game)
(both H!.R)
Martin A!. Lee, Bruce Shlain (Acid Dreams, about C!.I!.A and the counter cultures use with psychedelic compounds)(H!.R)
(H!.R) Stands for (Highly Recommended)
And if you go on-line to the internet and type (books on psychedelics) it will also give listings of some that are in my library that is in storage and I can't remember!. (Make Sure To Spell Psychedelic correct O!.K!.)
I hope I was Helpful!? Www@QuestionHome@Com