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Question: Wat is ur fav book and why!?
*the book that sounds best will earn that person 10 points and ill read the bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
twilgith series
they are really good! but they are really hard to explain in way!.

read them
they are!.!.!.
1!. twilight
2!. new moon
3!. eclipse
4!.breaking dawnWww@QuestionHome@Com

I fell in love with A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess immediately after finishing read it!. I would say it was love at first sight, although it would be a lie as I was completely scared by the title and I only read it because it was highly recommended by a good friend of mine!.

The story tells a tale of basically, a gangster who learns much!. He is supposed to be reformed, but his being reformed is of more consequence than his being a gangster!.

The tale is told by the main character, the gangster and he uses his regular language, that is to say, slang!. However, this slang is rather special in that it's origins are Russian, and with that, the language is completely transformed!. I would recommend a copy of a glossary, or printing out a glossary online as the first few chapters may be difficult to comprehend without the help of such a tool, however, after that it will be a breeze and a delight!.

The book gives insight on the soul of a young teenager struggling with many difficulties, and it sends of powerful message concerning change!. I highly suggest reading it!. I must also add that in the earlier days, the author of the book let the editor publish the book with only 20 chapters!. It is impossible to get the full meaning of the book as the author intended it without reading the last, and final, 21st chapter!. If you are looking at reading A Clockwork Orange, make sure that the copy you have contains 21 chapters!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter Series!.!.!.

It is about a boy whose parent were killed when a the most powerful dark wizard, Voldemort, here's about a prophecy and wants to kill Harry!. After killing his parents, Voldemort tried to kill Harry!. The spell backfired (reason will be answered if you read the book)!. Voldemort is reduced to something so weak he has to live off of other creatures!.

Harry Potter has weird things happen around him when his emotions are running high!. He doesn't really understand them though!. When he turns 11, he is accepted to "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"!. There he learns to control his magic!. He meet Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley who he becomes best friends with!. They stick together through thick and thin!. They work together to defeat Voldemort once and for all!.

There are 7 books in the series!. Harry Potter is the series of books that motivated me to start reading!. It's wonderful!. The characters are great!. It's really hard to not get attached to one of them!.

Hope this helps!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Chronicles of Narnia series by C!.S!. Lewis
It's got everything a child/teen would want
Adventures in a magical world, talking animals, battles between good and evil, great plots, interesting characters and the books are very interesting!. I've read the books about three times each and they get better and better!. They're so good, they've inspired me to start writing my own series some day!.
If you haven't read them, I strongly suggest them!. His Dark Materials are really good too = )Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite book is Sophie's World because it was so different from anything that I have ever read!. In the book a young girl named sophie travels through time and learns from the great philosophers of history from Socrates on through!. It is a wonderful book that will keep anyone enthralled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry Potter series!.
Not only did JKR create an entire WORLD, but she sparked my interest in reading as a child and given me something to obsess about!. There's nothing that can come close with her creativity from a woman that was practically living in poverty to a miltimillionaire!. She is absolute genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Catcher in the Rye , because i was able to relate to the main character He keep trying to relate with others and communicate with them, but he was always rejected!.