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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone remember a website that was a worldwide scavenger hunt for hidden bo

Question: Does anyone remember a website that was a worldwide scavenger hunt for hidden books!?
It's not http://www!.bookcaching!.com/, that's some bookstore in Taiwan!. Back in 2000 or 2001 there used to be this site, similar to geocaching!.com, but it was only for books and you didn't need a GPS!. You could hide a book and register it on the site, and you could punch in your zip code and look for books in your area!. Then after you read the book you would hide it again for someone else to find, and you could track the books you'd hidden and see how far away they got!. I guess it was kind of like a cross between wheresgeorge!.com and geocaching!.com for books!. I can't find it and its probably gone now but if it's still around I'd like to try it again!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I've heard about it!. Would be interested to try :)Www@QuestionHome@Com