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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Knw how everyone thought Stephenie M. was gonna be the next JK Rowling before BD

Question: Knw how everyone thought Stephenie M!. was gonna be the next JK Rowling before BD came out!? Wat do u think now!?
Sorry I had to type the question funky, otherwise I wouldn't have had enough space to type question!. Anyways, when all the first three books were out, and then all the hype started to get up for Breaking Dawn's release, everyone started ranting "Stephenie's going to be the next JK Rowling!" and how the Twilight series could even compete with Harry Potter and all this stuff!. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Twilight series, but nothing, NOTHING came come close to Harry Potter!.Now that I've read Breaking Dawn, I can't believe people would even consider that Meyer can be the next Rowling!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No kidding!.
When it comes to modern authors and success, JKR is GOD (metaphorically)!. No one can top her!. She IS the top!. She is unbeatable!. NO ONE can be another "JKR"-- not anytime soon, anyways!. JKR is untouchable!. Nothing will beat Harry Potter!. JKR is the top of the food chain, and anyone who attempts to beat her is just going to get ripped to shreds!.

People who said she was the "next JKR" had their heads up in the night!. Obviously, she won't be!. Twilight is never going to top Harry Potter!. Ever!. Especially after that horrid fan-fiction called Breaking Dawn!. If anyone think Smeyer can ever beat out JKR when BD was so utterly crappy, they are nuts!. I'll honestly be shocked if she ever gets another book published after that monstrosity that is BD!.


Thing is, I never thought SMeyer would be the next JKR!. SMeyer was never a good writer, she but she was a phenomenal storyteller!. JKR is both!. Nothing has ever come close to HP and nothing ever will, to be honest!. JKR proved that you could end a beloved series on a note that would make most happy, if not all!. I truly think fame went to SMeyer's head!. Had she waited another year or two to release Breaking Dawn, I think it would've been a lot better, but as always, money, I'm guessing, was a big factor!.


Meyer might not be the next Rowling yet, but considering that the Twilight Saga isn't the only series she has in mind!. The Host was an excellent book and she is already planning a 2nd and 3rd book!. She has a time-travel book in mind and a ghost story started!. So I think there is a good chance she will be a GOOD as Rowling!. However, no two authors should ever be compared!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you know, even though i was disappointed with the book (so far) i still think she's an awesome author!. i mean look at edward! (or read about him) no author could have come up with a charecter as irresistable as Edward!. JK did not even come close!. so i give props to Steph for writing this book!. there are many who hate it, and a select few who love it!. no matter, she is still a great author and is on the top of my list along with JK!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight in no way compares to Harry Potter!. I don't even have to read the entire series to know that!.

I mean, you don't see a completely new sub genre of music springing up based off the series like Wizard Rock!.

Listen to this band: Ministry of Magic

best Wrock band imo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

breaking dawn was not what i expected except that i thought almost that exact story lie
i don't know if one is better than the other but i think both screwed up their last book (unless steph wrights more to this series after midnight sun)

good question
the cullen baby
liz marie (not renesmee)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, those people obviously never saw the people waiting for 2, 3, years for the next Harry Potter book!. You know, the fandom lasting even when the books don't come back in a short time!. I laughed really hard when I found this out!. Seriously and extremely hard!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the book Twilight, but New Moon and Eclipse weren't terrific!. Breaking Dawn was disgusting and unacceptable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, lets see: The Seventh Harry Potter book sold more copies than the Bible, and a lot of people on Y!A want to return BD and write angry letters to SM!. Now, do you really think she is the next JKR!? No, I do not!. She never really was, Twilight was my drug to get over HP, I was devastated when it was over!. So I read Twilight, and I loved it!. I didn't really like New Moon too much, but hey, I thought I would give Eclipse a try!. I loved Eclipse, so I was SO EXCITED to read BD!. I was so bummed, but now I guess it is starting to make sense, I'm putting pieces together!. I just don't think that SM really ever was the new JKR!. But BD wasn't her style of writing, it seemed rushed, and lets face it, Eclipse only came out last year, how much time do you think she actually put into this book!? Books take a long time to be published too!. So, it just wasn't as good as the others!. But I hope she doesn't think that Midnight Sun will attract a crowd like Breaking Dawn did, she may not be able to get Midnight Sun published, because the publishers will be so mad at her because no one liked this book (at least not many people liked it)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My views remain the same!. J K Rowling is my inspiration and idol for creating such an amazing series that effects all damaged views towards reading forever, and Stephanie Meyer is just an average woman who wanted to write her story, though I don't think she was focusing on what her fans wanted to read!. Her focus remains on what she wanted!. And if that's crap to everyone else, then get over it!. But J K Rowling remains an amazing author!.

Honestly!.!.!. comparing the two is like comparing the colour black to lime green!. It doesn't make sense, but if it gets you through the night, then whatever!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure!. I just read a very aggressive defense of Stephenie Meyer, which can be found at
by one of my favorite fan fiction authors!. So, who knows, maybe I'll try Twilight again in a few years!. I thought Jake imprinting on Bella's baby was kind of creepy though!. I mean, he made out with her mom, he wanted to have kids with her mom!.!.!.
I got really pissed when I read Stephenie M!. Was JKR's heir!. So, Stephenie Meyer may be a good author, and she may be horrible, but she will never, ever, come close to being J!. K!. Rowling!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow you think EXACTLY what I do!. When everyone was comparing her I was like!.!.!. Harry Potter is in a different league entirely to Twilight!. I mean I love the characters in the Twilight series (Edward *swoon*) but Harry Potter is like a cultural phenomenon!. I had a friend who was like "twilight's nearly sold as many as Harry Potter"!.!.!. uh no! The entire twilight series has nearly 12 million books in print!. Harry Potter has 400 million!. So Harry Potter was roflpwning Twilights *** even before Breaking Dawn came out!.

The only thing in HP I've ever been disappointed about is the DH epilogue!. Now Breaking Dawn was like an entire book of DH epilogue!. It was disgusting!. Did Smeyer seriously expect us to enjoy that shiitt!. Seriously!? I mean Nessie/Jacob!? wtf!? It's disgusting and I'm totally devastated such a good series is ending like this!. I think I might just hide BD somewhere and pretend Eclipse was the last one!. I've read better fanfic for god's sake!.!.

Definitely not the next Jo!. With drivel like that!.!.!. *vomit*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Her series definitely isn't becoming a classic after this book!.

But I feel sorry for her!. Her publisher's probably going to drop her because so many fans are angry that even if Midnight Sun does come out, it probably won't sell, thus publishers aren't making money, and thus, good-bye Ms!. Meyer!.

And she probably won't be able to find another publisher to represent her books because if one publisher couldn't sell Midnight Sun, what makes her think getting another publisher would do her any justice!. The publishing world is harsh business!. They might keep her, but they'll probably tell her to write something else, even though it might not do any good!. Www@QuestionHome@Com