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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone else think that Bella from the Twilight series is extremely annoying?

Question: Anyone else think that Bella from the Twilight series is extremely annoying!?
She's so annoying, completely dependent on Edward (I mean, she doesn't have a life!), is constantly whining, etc!. Why would Edward even like her!? She is not a likable character at all! It's like Stephenie Meyer tries to write her as some selfless, generous person who cares about others and never cares about herself!. But she's so not! I mean, she's so selfish! Okay, and people, DO NOT say "You're just jealous cause she's with Edward" or "Get a life" cause that's not the case!. I just want to see what other people think of her characterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Understatement of the century!. She's a whiny, self obsessed, completely dependent freak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella was annoying for the first three books!. I think in Breaking Dawn she showed a lot of maturity, you have to give her some credit!. The absolute torture she endured to make sure her baby was born safely, how hard she worked to enhance her power, to protect her baby even if she didn't make it!.!.!.!.

So yeah this post would have been agreeable a year ago, but I think Bella deserves some credit!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!. Anyway, I don't think people are going to disagree with you anymore!. All those who would've have!.!.!.er!.!.!.converted to the dark side--MWAHAHAHA!!--and agree after this Breaking Dawn disaster!.

We constantly ask what Ed sees in Bells, but what does Bells see in Ed!? There is nothing there!. In either of them!. I'd rather hook up with a cactus!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

she gets on my nerves sometimes and i just want to get in the book, smack her, and tell her to stop being an idiot and get a life!.
but she can be chill!.
I just hate jake, hes such an idiot!.
Thats why i love the ending of this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't have the energy to rant about her!. but i can say she's by far the most annoying character i've read so far in literature!.


i definitely thought she was the most whiniest person but after i read BD, it seemed like she matured and doesn't bug me as much anymore!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think her whineyness makes her seem more real- probably many people dont agree but that's just my opinion!. she is kinda dependant on ed but i like edward so lol im ok with that!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only thing i don't like bout her is dat she's extremely dependant on edward!!!!
she needs to learn to take care of herself!.!.!.and be less clumsy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's horny, that's for sure!. So horny that she got pregnant and had a devil child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

completely agree with you!. Ever since Eclipse!. God, Bellaaaaa, get a life!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! expecialy in Dreaking Dawn!.!.!.about the!.!.!.well i dont want to ruin the book but ill say "the SURPRISE"!.!.!. shes so mean to poor jake!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com