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Question: Who actually LIKED Breaking Dawn!?
I absolutely loved it and everyone is bashing it! Who else thought SM did good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I actually really loved it!.
Stephenie didn't really lie to her fan base, as others have pointed out!.
She said that if you got pregnant BEFORE being changed, and were changed before giving birth, you will stay that way!. But I think her reasoning for the pregnancy makes sense!.
also, I don't think they're too young!. Bella has the maturity of a 30-year old, in my opinion!. They could handle it!.
also, imagining Edward with a baby is about the sweetest thing I can picture!. He'd be elated to be a daddy!.
I liked it!. My hopes stayed low so as to avoid disappointment, and I got much much more than I hoped for!. :)
Hope that helps ^!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

You liked that Meyer made Jacob fall in love with Bella's *daughter*!? You liked that they named her after the Loch Ness Monster!? You liked that Meyer effectively lied to her entire fan base about Edward not being able to have children!? You liked that everyone got a perfectly clichéd fairy-tale ending without having to sacrifice anything!? You liked that Meyer tried to make it okay for an eighteen year old to abandon her entire family to get married, then have kids a few days later!. Not to mention the fact that she by-passed the whole new-born stage with 'Nessie', making young girls think that raising a kid in your teens is a walk in the park!.
I've never been a Twilight fan (by any means) but how anyone in their right mind could remotely like this book is beyond me!.

I actually really liked it, too!. I have read many bad reviews before reading it myself and I was worried, but it turned out nicely in the end!. I had thought it would end up being something horrible!.

We should start a club!.!.!. there are not many of us who liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I!.!.!. LOVE!.!.!. THAT!.!.!. BOOK!!!!!! I don't think I've read anything more exciting in my entire life!. I fell out of my chair (literally) so many times that i just started reading the book on the floor!!! I couldn't put it down! I read it in 8 hours with almost no interruptions!! In fact I even got in trouble with my parents for not stopping! Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow a few hours ago everybody was bashing it and now it seems like the complete opposite!. what happened to the lets-burn-breaking-dawn haters on here!? i personally haven't really made up my mind yet, leaning towards not liking it thoughWww@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't actually FINISHED the book and I'm on Jacob's part right now however, I enjoy it by far!. I don't care what others say, it won't effect what I will think about it in the end!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally hate all of Stephenie Meyer's books, not because I think they are bad or whatever, but because me and others have many reasons to believe that her series was plagiarized or at least strongly, strongly based on other books/plots!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The story got more interesting and everyone had their happy ending but i didn't like it as much as the others!.I guess the hype raised my expectations to high and i was slightly dissapointedWww@QuestionHome@Com

i havent read it yet (it's realsied tomorrow) but i've heard what happens and i'm not happy at all if what i've heard is true!. i will read it and judge it properly!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you need to learn how to use the search bar, because this question was asked at least 25 different times yesterday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya i really liked it!.!.!.at first i was a little weirded out but then once it got deeper into the storyline i enjoyed it a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

I just bought it so I couldn't tell you for sure, but I have great faith in Ms!. Meyer! I mean it's not like she can kill Dumbledore or anything, so how bad could it possibly be!?!?!?!?!?!? lol ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand why you love it, but I didn't!. Case closed!.
It's twisted and perverted!. Sorry!.

I thought of was super!
idk y everyone is bashing itWww@QuestionHome@Com

yaaaaaaaaaay!.!. A POSITIVE REVIEW!.!.
Its coming out tomorrow in the UK
I CANT WAIT!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your screen-name is enough for me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have not read it yet, but from what i have heard its not really good!.!. hmmmWww@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it! I loved it!

Because for ME, THIS is Breaking Dawn--

Jacob imprinted on me!.
We had 10 beautiful babies!!!
Aro killed Edward!
Hooray! Hooray!
Bella ran away and went to her mummy in Florida because she is so sad and so depressed!. She is mourning!. She is crazy jealous at me for stealing her "original soul mate and best friend whom she treated like dirt"!. She regrets her decision!. She regrets she EVER chose Edward!.
She is back to her zombie, catatonic state!.

But most of all--


THAT is Breaking Dawn for me!. Wow, best book ever!. Best ending ever!. Very excellent!. Very amazing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Again, I HEART it!! SM did a totally great job!! The book is really exciting (more than the others in the series) but still didn't leave out the romantic part!. I can't believe ppl are bashing it!. When I finnish the book, I go to Amazon to check for other ppl's review, it's juz shocking to see the stars there!! can't believe ppl are bashing it!! Anyone hope that those spoilers won't stop SM from writing more books!. I'm totally in love with Edward!! LolWww@QuestionHome@Com