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Question: How do you become a famous author!?
I like making stories so im making a book but i dont know how to get it published and to make it a big book to make me famous so what do i do to become a famous author!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You will need a unique idea, and you need to really sell it- make characters that the reader can relate to, interesting dialogue, a logical plot, etc!. Try examining the other "timeless classic" books, e!.g!. LOTR, Pride & Prejudice, His Dark Materials, to see what makes them so popular!. Once you have these "wow factors"you've got yourself a good book!.

If you've got talent, and are willing to put the work in, it can be done!. But it won't happen oveernight!. Have patience, and faith in your own work!.

Happy scribbles!

PS- when you're a best-selling author, can you acknowledge me in an interview!? Please!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are many routes!. For Stephen King, it meant teaching school while living in a trailer park and sending in articles to magazines while writing novels on a beat up typewriter on a kid's desk!. He got hundreds of rejections he hung on a spike on the wall!.

For Nicholas Sparks, it was about someone plucking The Notebook out of a slushroom and giving it a second chance!.

For others, it's about knowing someone and getting a break!.

For others, you go to a pitch convention and spend the day talking to agent after agent trying to convince someone to listen to you!.

Still others send dozens and dozens of query letters until they catch someone's eye!.

For some, it happens very quickly!. Others spend years and years!.

If you are working on short stories, my best advice is this!. Try to get them into anthologies!. They will earn you from zero to about 25 bucks a story, but it gets your name out there and gets you noticed!. Many authors take that route!. And many publish stories in anthologies even after they have published successful books!. I have two stories in an anthology now that is raising money for New Orleans libraries!. I used a new pseudonym for them!. And just like that, one of them has someone interested in doing a film treatment of one of them!.

It's talent, it's luck, it's who you know!. I don't know - maybe it's even the alignment of the stars!. But whatever it is, it is really out of your control except for the talent and perseverance parts!. Become your own best advocate!. Push yourself hard!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

After reading what is happening to Stephenie Meyer, I'd rather be a respected, but less known author, than one who is riding a quick yet intense rise to fame!.

But if that's what you really want, I'd say pay attention in your English classes, capitalize your I's, and learn to identify a run-on sentence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You write a good book, you send it to a bunch of agents, you hope one of them likes it!. If that's the case, the agent will take it to a bunch of publishers (probably after a lot of editing in-between those two steps)!. If one of *them* likes it, they make a contract!. You and your agent sign it!. You edit again!. You re-edit, several times!. You hope for success!.

Judging solely by your writing here, I don't see you becoming a famous author anytime soon!.

That doesn't mean you never will, but you will have to learn how to write in clear, correct English before you cant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write a best selling book!Www@QuestionHome@Com