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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I enjoy writting, is ther anyone that would like to hook up to share writting a

Question: I enjoy writting, is ther anyone that would like to hook up to share writting a novel with me!?
Please paste an sample of your work, as I will mine!.

--Without turning around to see his fictitious smile, I managed to avoid eye contact!. As I unwrapped my body from the cotton white wet sheets, I imagined in my thoughts, that it felt like a role I had to play!. , Somehow the word “Asshole” slipped out!. I quickly and shamefully began to fix my clothes!. Without any words I exited his apartment and I made sure to slam it with all the energy that he had left me!. As I walked down the stretched hall I heard his door open!. Without looking behind I started to run!. I suddenly felt my body snatched up against the stainless steel elevator double doors!. We were now nose to nose while he had both hands around my head!.
“Why do you act like such a spoiled little red-headed *****!? I am not sorry for one—“
Immediately a few tenants poked their head out of their apartment and asked if everything was o!.k!.”
I wasn’t quite sure if I was, but I answered yes!. At that moment the elevator opened and I slowly stepped backwards in side!. He watched me as the door began to close; Just before the doors jammed, I taunted him with a vengeful smiled!. I wasn’t used to not being in control, and so it was a pleasurable retribution; for I was sure this was the last time he would have me at his Mercy, I was sure of that!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm writting this story here!.!.!.

“Hey, where are you!?" I sighed " Call me as soon as you hear this, Kay' " I snapped the phone shut with irritation and threw it across the room taking my frustration out on the small object!.

"Any word!?" I looked up to see Samantha, his sister!. I ran my hands through my ear-length black hair and she took that as her answer!. She sat down on my bed smoothing out the bumps on my twin sized lavender bed spread as if to distract herself , if only for a moment!. She patted the empty space next to her gesturing for me to sit!. I instead stood in front of her taking in her appearance!. She looked just like him, bright green eyes almost the color of the leaves on the palm trees outside of my dorm and Jet black hair that fell to her shoulders!. I noticed the dark bags under her eyes that came from lack of sleep and her sunken cheeks from not eating, she looked horrible!. But I knew I probably looked much worse!. She patted the space next to her again and looked at me expectantly; I sat next to her and put my head between my knees!.

"How you holding up!?" I asked

"Don't worry bout' me, I'm fine!. It's you I'm worried about!."

"It's been three weeks Sam!. Three weeks!." I took a deep breath to calm myself

“I mean I don't know if he's alive or dead or if he just ran away or anything!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not really into collaboration with books, but I would be happy to give you advice on your book as you are writing it if you get stuck or need help with anything :) feel free to email me anytime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I too am a writer!. But after reading that wretched few paragraphs of yours I must decline your proposal of co-authoring a novel!.!.!. especially since you misspelled writing (writting)!. How droll!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh ok, i tried writing a story but never finished heres a part of it

Clarissa sang this slowly, making up words along the way, thinking of life’s way of making things right and wrong!. Many things have happened to her in the past, things that should have been over with, yet… they still wandered in her mind!. Thoughts of what happened, things that she should have done, yet, they were things that she never really did!. Now all she could think about was him!. Why did she still care, especially since he never seemed to!? These were just things she had pondered upon!. Hoping for answers…but just ending up with more questions of these thoughts…of him and life in general!. Clarissa was confused, but finally she decided on doing something to move on!. This plan of hers involved a vacation!. But where could she go!? There was only one answer to that, Paris, France!.
“What do I need!? Let’s see… I have clothes, money, my ticket, oh yeah! I almost forgot, Sherwood!.” Sherwood was Clarissa’s stuffed dog!. She got him when she was a young girl and had him ever since then!. They have always been together through hard times and Clarissa would never go anywhere without him!. They were inseparable!. Although, he was just a toy dog, he was the closest thing to family that she had!. Clarissa soon gathered all of her things and of course, Sherwood, and then left for the airport!. On the plane, she had no idea that she would meet someone that she had known from her past, someone really close!.