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Question: How long will it take me to finish these 2 books!.!.!.!?
Based on average reading time of a teenager, and let's say 500 pages total, averages pages, how long will it take me to read the books!? I kind of need to know to make sure its achievable in a certain amount of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honestly!? There are way too many variables to this question for me to give a valid answer!. Some of these include:

Actual word count of the book: pages usually have no relevance, as type size, page size, and margin size really do make a fairly large difference!.

How much you like the book: If you like a book, you're going to read it faster because you will be engrossed in it!. If you don't like a book, you will be distracted far more easily!.

Readability: Some books are honestly easier to read than others!. For example, Harry Potter is easier to read than The Scarlet Letter, simply because the prose is not as complicated and easy to follow!.

And I don't know if anybody knows the average reading speed of a teenager!. I suppose there is one, but I doubt many people bother to find out what it is!.

If somebody gave me a 500 page book to read, I could definitely read it in a day!. I've done it before and could most certainly do it again!. At most it would take me 12 hours; at least it would take me 4!. 12 hours would probably be with a boring book that I didn't like with small type and me getting distracted a lot!. 4 hours would be if I had been waiting for this book to come out for ages, it had fairly large type, and I didn't ever put it down!. I do read fairly fast compared to most people!.

I hope this helps you at least somewhat!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's "average" reading time!? I can finish a book of that length in one day, while it takes some of my friends several weeks!. I'd advise you to do a test - read, say, 50 pages of your book, and time yourself when you're done!. That way you have an average figure for yourself that you can use to plan how long it will take you to read, not just these books, but anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on how fast YOU read, not the average reading time of a teenager!. If the books interest you or grab you in some way, then it won't take you as long as if they bored you!.

EDIT: Don't plan on staying up 24/7!. It won't happen!. If you HAVE to finish these books, try reading each chapter/section until you get the gist of what's going on-you don't need to get every single minute detail!. I'd say a day or two (maybe three) if you want an estimate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it really depends on how much you read,if your reading everyday you could probably finish in a month!.i am reading a book that's a little over 500 pages but i don't read it every single day, i started about last month and i'm halfway done it so ya like i said it depends on how much you plan to read everydayWww@QuestionHome@Com