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Question: Would this be a Prologue
Okay, here's what I want to do !. !. !.

I want to start off my book with a Prologue, but in that part, I'm basically starting my story out with the ending leaving a bit of a cliffhanger type thing!. After that, I would of course start writing chapter 1 with flashback events, or everything that's happened up to that certain point in the ending!.

Would the that be considered a prologue!? Or something else!? I've always read that a Prologue is a little bit of what happens before the main story actually begins, but in my situation, it's a little bit of the ending, thus I would continue my story with events that lead up to that point!. !. !.

Wow !. !. !. I just repeated everything I said !. !. !. ah sorry, I hope you guys understand, I'm really sleepy now but had to ask this before going to bed because it's the thing that will keep bugging me until I get an answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can call it a prologue!. Prologue can also mean a section that comes before the main body of text!. It comes from the Greek and it means an introduction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com