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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone agree Breaking Dawn is bad fanfic?

Question: Does anyone agree Breaking Dawn is bad fanfic!?
what i hated was that Bella got everything she wanted: married Edward, had a baby, has Jacob as a friend!.!.!. but really!? in a situation that Bella and Edward were in, there had to be some sacrifice, which was not present in the book!. take Harry Potter (good vs!. bad concept also in the Twilight saga, and they have many similarities) for instance, there was a happily ever after aspect, but yet it also had the theme of sacrifice and loss!.

and also, how is it possible for Edward to father a child!? he is DEAD!. and Meyer previously stated in other books, vampires can not have children!. so how is it that Edward and Bella are the exception!?

lastly, why is Bella so unable to be the independent, smart person she claims to be!? she does not make her own decisions or bases everything on Edward!. Edward was about to have his WIFE have sex with another man (Jacob)!?!? how is that a caring relationship!?

i actually loved Twilight, New Moon (despite Bella's comatose state, which shows how weak of a female character she is) and Eclipse, but i am completely horrified at Breaking Dawn!. it not only sends a bad message, is not consistent with the other books, does not contain logic but it was poorly written!.

what are your opinions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bah, I completely agree!. Breaking Dawn was the biggest disappointment I've experienced in a book at any point in my life!. It was poorly written, exceptionally rushed and altogether stupid!. I'm pretty much ready to pretend that it doesn't exist -- I'll let the series end with Eclipse and perhaps draw my own conclusions!. Conclusions that certainly don't include a plot device like Renesmee, because let's face it -- that's all the kid is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't read these books but my daughter is a fan and I took her and a friend to a book release party on Friday night!. She also is extremely disappointed in Breaking Dawn and has mentioned some of the same things that you did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From what I've heard it does sound a lot like bad fan fic!. And Bella a lot like a Mary Sue of extreme proportions!. I haven't read BD though, and I won't!. I barely made it through Twilight and my main thought was "Oh, god it's a Teenage Anita Blake, Richard, and Jean-Claude!." Www@QuestionHome@Com

well wow you really have opinions you may be so right about vampires cant have babies because i have watched shows where they have said that i have never really read any of the books yet but it seems like they really are good and interesting Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my goodness!.
So many people are mad at the "impossiblity" of the pregnancy, but Stephenie explained it well!. Plus, all she ever said was if you were pregnant, and got bitten before giving birth, you'd stay pregnant forever!. I don't recall her touching on the topic of a human/vamp possibility!. She explains it really well in the book; women have to change to get pregnant,(vampires don't change) and men don't!. Men stay the same way forever, meaning they still have reproductive organs!.
And Bella WAS independent; still manages to be after being changed!. It's just that Edward became her life, and there was nothing that could tear him away from her or that she wouldn't do for him!. She is perfectly capable of making decisions or arguing with him, but for her, he's everything she wants, so she can compromise!.
I agree, the thought of Edward basically whoring off his wife is a little cheap, but Edward's impulsive!. Any fan knows that!. He's impulsive and irrational!.
Personally, I think people set themselves up for disappointment by setting standards that even the SM Queen herself couldn't live up to!. I refused to have high standards, so this book went above and beyond my hopes!. I love it!. I think people are just overreacting!.
There's my 2 cents :)Www@QuestionHome@Com