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Question: Ok, wtf Stephanie Meyer!?!!?!
His name is JASPER not JAZZ!! Why would she all of a sudden bring this into play in the last book!?!? It's not like Jasper has not been around for the first three!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
She messed up all of her characters!.
Alice apparently dropped off of the face of the planet-- she wasn't in it much!.
Emmett was funny, of course, but seemed a little mean sometimes!.
I love Rosalie, but she was a lot snobbier in this book (I don't blame her, though)!.
Carlisle seemed a little less!.!.!. how do I say it!?!.!.!. grown up!.
Esme was useless, as usual!.
Jasper was barely in it!. "Jazz"!? What kind of nickname is that!?!
Bella didn't act like Bella-- she acted like a horny teenager with no personality!.
Edward didn't act like himself!. He was a little too aloof!. And wanting Bella to get an abortion!? That doesn't sound like him!.

Jake was the only one who remained true to his character, but his character was absolutely destroyed in Book 3- Bella!. He turned into a mindless, robotic, lovestruck puppy dog!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!. I read ALOT of fan fics waiting for this book and almost all called Jasper Jazz and Emmett Em!. I also think she she got some wicked bad writers block and was soooo pressured by the publishers to get it done she took all the bad fan fics and threw them together!. I'm doubting she evn wrote it!. Or maybe the Voltouri got her and told her to stop telling their secrets and made her make it soooo terrible and unfeeling and RIDICULOUS so we wouldnl't suspect a thing!. Or she got some bad weed!. LOL (all theories) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Calmness!. Its a book!. It has been stated repeadedly, that Alice's pet name for Jasper is Jazz!.
Its a nickname!? Okay!? Now take a deep breathe, thumbs down me for telling you this, and go read a different perspective about Breaking Dawn!.
Its by one of my favorite Twilight fanfiction authors and I thought it was very interesting!. Go read it!. Then complain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YEAH! And it's not Em, it's Emmett! Ugh, SM!. I think you need therapy!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's called a nickname!.

That's why I think she was smoking crack when she was writing it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nicknames damit!!!! gawd!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No comment!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that was really bugging me too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ha ha ha, ever heard of the thing called nick names!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

where is say that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com