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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What aspects of BD did you like?

Question: What aspects of BD did you like!?
I'm glad they got married and she was transformed and that everyone ended up alright!. I liked Jacob splitting from the pack!. I liked Bella's gift!. It reminded me of the better books in the series, and I would've been happy with it no matter what the plot was!. I liked Bella's first book, but after that it went crazy downhill!. Anyone else want to focus on the good!? I'm kind of past hating on it now!.!.!.still not happy, but I figure it's a better idea not to feel so annoyed and sad!.

So what did you like!? Please don't be too negative, and I know lots of you are going to say the end!. But come on!. Any little thing that you liked about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You know, maybe you guys aren't upset about the book in general!.
I think you're just upset about they way it HAD to end:)
I really can't think of another way!. I thought it was interesting!.
Me and my sister loved it, but my little brother thought it was stupid!.
I think it's because people closer to her mentality could understand the characters better!.
Just a thought!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the whole subplot about Jacob splitting from the pack, and liked Leah and Seth a lot!. But everything to do with Bella, Edward, and their demonic spawn just annoyed me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a lot more that I hated!.

I agree with you!. I liked that they got married, and that she changed into a vampire!.!.!. I also liked Jacob splitting from the pack and then Seth and Leah joining him!. And the honeymoon was!.!. okay!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm afraid that the answer to this question is N/A!.

Everything was horrible!.

Wait, nevermind!.

I liked when Edward ripped the pillows!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked that jacob imprinted found a way to be happy without bella :) not that i have anything against her :DWww@QuestionHome@Com