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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone read 'A Short History of Nearly Everything ' by Bill Bryson , is

Question: Anyone read 'A Short History of Nearly Everything ' by Bill Bryson , is it worth a read!?
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Admission: I haven't read it!. The reviews on it were excellent, though, and I do want to read it!. (Reviews in book journals and magazines, though a quick check of amazon shows an average of 4!.5 out of 5 stars and there have been 613 reviews, so that's pretty much overwhelmingly positive!.) I have read other things by Bractually Walk In the Woods, In A Sunburned Country, etc!.) and have enjoyed them all!. I guess the most comparable book was the one he did on the English language, The Mother Tongue, which was actually the first book I read by him!. He has a sense of humor about things which makes the subject entertaining, but he has also done his research!. If you don't like his flippant and/or sarcastic remarks, odds are you won't like this; but if you want to learn and enjoy a bit of humor on the side you will!.

also, his stated purpose in this book is to try to give some lessons in basic scientific history and principles to folks who may have dozed off during science class or failed to get a good grasp of some of the concepts!. People who stayed awake may know all of this and find nothing new as far as the science or explanations of the Big Bang, but may enjoy Bryson's take on it all!.

Depends on your sense of humor and your science background!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it!. It's not the sort of book you would sit down and read in one sitting!. I would read a chapter or two and then put it down for a bit!. I learned so much about science that I never knew!. I still go back and pick it up from time to time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a fun book, and Bryson is an engaging writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com