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Question: I couldnt even finish Breaking Dawn!.!.!.!.
it was that bad
i got sick when i read about bella throwing up blood and i just had to stop
there was NO POINT in writing this book
too bad, the author still makes a fortune =[Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have to take a break right now from BREAKing Dawn!. haha no pun intended (wow that really isn't funny!. oh well)
i know what happens and i am almost done but still!.!.!.!.!.i just had to stop!. the writing was agonizing to read!. I had to admit, it felt like i was reading a GIANT FANFIC!. and it hurt to read parts of it!. If you are a fan that has any respect for Jacob, then you will not like this book!. It was soo weirdly cliche!. And no, i didn't not like the book because it wasn't what i was expecting, i don't like it because of the writing!. It is sooo painful to read at points I just wanted to skip over half the book!. Jake is a great character and deserves a better ending then this creepyy one! It is just so sad, i cried like 10 times already about jacob EVERY time!. and edward is the biggest jerk in this book its ridiculous!. It is sometimes even funny how annoyingly jerky edward is in this book!. I lost all my respect for him!. I'm not even really sure why!.

Eclipse, complete with my own perfected ending in my mind, is the last book!. This book seemed so not stephenie!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did everything had to get so sick and wrong and off topic!? MAN! I'm almost done and i'm sick of it! I mean, who names a kid Renesmee( that's what bella names her poor kid) The characters were off, the plot was tacky, and, well, it was GAH! Yeah, i lost my OOT (obsession over twilight) over reading this book!. SM really had something going!.!.!. and she screwed it up!. Bad!. The only thing that i like was Emmett who was extremely funny and is still my favorite character!Www@QuestionHome@Com

RETURN THEM! Send a message to SM and Little Brown that this is unacceptable to you and that you will not support it!. Get your 20 bucks back!. Even if you lost the receipt get a darn store card and buy something decent!. I very seriously doubt Midnight Sun will ever come out now, but if it does, unless you tell her that this one sucked, the next one will suck too!. The only way to hit her is in the pocketbooks, kids!. Take a trip back to the store and get the money back!. She has no right to your money!. I returned a book once that I found unacceptable!. They will take them back!. Make a difference!. Stand up for your rights!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think you either love it or you completely despise everything about it!.

Were there really any good qualities about the book!? As in, stuff that didn't make you feel like vomiting or shoving the book in a garbage disposal!?

No!.!.!. It's all okay because Edward is insanely beautiful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not quite halfway through it, but so far it's not as terrible as I expected!. I could forgive and forget this whole baby deal!.!.!.if Bella had popped out a boy, as she'd expected, and if she had had an actual, realistic power when changed (love shield!? wth!?)!. I would prefer an actual newborn stage, as well, but I can live without that!. But Jake imprinting on Nessie!.!.!.that ruined the whole thing for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated it!. It was absolutely horrifying!. I felt physically ill in many parts of the novel!. WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT NESSIE TRASH!?! That just about did it for me!. I spent six hours praying the book would get better, six hours I'll never get back!. SMeyer's religious views were pretty much forced down our throats in this book!.

I'm returning it tomorrow morning, as soon as the Barnes and Noble opens!. The series ended at Eclipse for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gah, totally agree! It was so bad, and yet Smeyer will make a crapload out of this!. Even if we burn all our copies, she still wins at the end of the day!.

Unless we plan some major boycott of every Borders store and burn all the books before they're sold to the unwitting public!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know, she used all her, or OUR money on drugs(that's why the book sucked) lmao, I didn't even finish the crap!. After reading half of the book, I felt like a pedophile/sicko/Juno/Pro-Choice Mother Mixer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked it tbh, but i like almost anything!.
its easy to see why lots of people didnt though, compared to the first three it sucked but to me was still a good book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I did finish the book but I hated all of it!.
What is wrong with Meyer that she decided to write such crap!.
I mean come on I could do better than what she did, and I'm a terrible writer!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

it just made me angry!.
the more i think about it, the angrier i get!.
JKR could make it work, and SM had a really good thing going,
to me its like she ran out of ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!.!.!. I was really dissapointed around that part!. It seemed stupid to keep reading!. But I'm still gonna finish it, and I thought it got better later on!.!.!. but I'm still not finished yet!.!.!. Not much reading time =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't agree with you more! Breaking Dawn tanked!. I can't even pick up Twilight or any of the other books anymore!. That book was simply dreadful!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pfft hell yes I love this book!. It brings me to laughter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone wants my book !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

GOD i am SICK and TIRED of hearing you immature people complain and complain about how much you hated breaking dawn!. HONESTLY grow up!. If it didn't live up to your expectations, that is YOUR fault for building them that high!. All of a sudden everyone HATES Stephenie Meyers!. She's a good writer, who wrote for her own entertainment, and when you think about everything that happens, it makes sense!. SM was trying to please everyone by giving bella both jacob and edward!. And honestly, what other way is there!? READ THE BOOK if you havent and form your own conclusions of it!. Some will love it, some will hate it!. But don't act so immature about it that you're saying it ruined THE WHOLE series for you!. Common now!. Seriously!?
If this is true then the whole Twilight fandom truly is dissapointing!. I hope there are some real fans out there, who won't go psycho over the ending of the seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Okay!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com